Baseball turn around

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I was woken up by Jadens alarm, which never woke him up. I sat up and turned his alarm off.

"Jaden, wake up." I said while shaking him.
It took me so many tries to finally get him up.

"I'm up" the brunette said while sitting up.

"WE HAVE GAMES TODAY JADEN" I screamed excitedly. Summer games are fun but the fall and winter games are definitely my favorites.

"Your stuff is at your house Elizabeth" Jaden laughed with a deep voice. Oh shit, he's right.

"Jaden" I said while putting my hand on his shoulder. "My favorite twin, may you please walk me home so I can get ready" I bribed.

"I mean I guess since I'm such a gentleman" he said while putting on some slides. We walked out of his room and I grabbed my bag.

"Thank you Jaden," I smiled while opening my door.

"Elizabeth" Jaden stopped.

"Yeah what's up?" I questioned.

"Could your mom give me a ride? My dad has to train with Javon and my mom has to go with Jayla to her game." Jaden asked.

"Of course, you know you could just randomly appear in the car and my mom would be okay with it" I smiled. Jaden just laughed. His laugh is the cutest thing to hear.

I walked into my house to which revealed my mom running from the window to the couch.

I yelled.

"You and Jaden are just the cutest, and no. I was peaking not eavesdropping." She spoke. I just rolled my eyes and ran upstairs.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and did my skincare. I changed and then pulled my hair into a low bun.


Hey Lizzy, I'm gonna walk
over because I miss youu. Sike 🤪
I want your food.

Jaden Walton. I will lock you out
if I have to. I wont hesitate.

Forgive me ma'am im
sorry, I apologize. 💔😔

Fine, the door is unlocked Jaden.


Jaden arrived and he was sitting at the kitchen bar. I walked downstairs with my crocs on and walked to the kitchen.

"What would you like Jae?" I asked looking his way. I opened the fridge and the other storage parts of the kitchen to reveal what we have to eat.

"Can you make me a smoothie bowl please, yours are so good" He said looking up from his phone.

"I mean I guess since that complement made me feel sooo good" I joked. I pulled out the blender and the frozen fruit. Along with that I got some type of fruit juice. My mom usually buys the stuff I just throw whatever in..

I finished making me and Jaden a fruit bowl since we were sharing because we couldn't eat to much.

"Jaden you got some on your nose" I giggled while pointing to his nose.

"Where," He questioned while touching random parts of his face.

"Here" I said picking up the spoon and rubbing it on his nose and then wiping it away.

Meant to be - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now