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I go home with my mom and take a shower and wash my hair.

After my shower, I dry my hair and get ready.

( what you wear )

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( what you wear )

I grab my phone off the charger and run downstairs.

"hey pookie" my mom joked. This is literally embarrassing.

"Mom, why do you have to be so weird all the time" I sassed. 

I kinda felt bad after I said that.

"I'm joking mom" I went up and kissed her cheek. My moms smile widened.

"Have fun at Jayla's" she warned. She waved me goodbye.

I put my AirPods in and start walking to the Walton's.

As I'm walking to their hour I see Jaden walking with this one girl. She has braids almost taller than Jaden.

I take a quick glance and it's Kaylen. Their giggling and shit. Well, that feels.. unsatisfying.

I unlock Jaylas door with my phone because I have a spare key and im logged in on an app with them.

I close the door and run upstairs to Jayla's room.

"Jay guess what" I bursted.

Jayla jumped up from her bed. "What?!" She beamed.

"Okay so when I was coming to your house I saw Kaylen and Jaden walking together. I know it's not that important but like I tell you everything. They were giggling and touchy and stuff." I rambled.

"Wait, but isn't Kaylen dating Avery. She literally flirts with everyone what the fuck" Jayla responded.

"Wait your serious?" I questioned. "Dead." Jayla grieved. I should go tell wanna. He deserves to know.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go tell wanna" I claimed.

I open the door just to reveal wanna eavesdropping. His face looked disappointed. I wrapped my arm around his neck and led him to Jaylas bed.

"So I have no chance," wanna mourned.

Me and Jayla leaned into hug Javon. He tucked his head into my neck and started crying.

This kinda hurt my heart, I hate seeing boys cry.

"I though I had a chance with her" Wanna cried.

He tightened the hug and kept crying.

Jayla got a text so she went to get her phone which was on her desk.

Wanna wrapped both of his arms around me and gave me one of the tightest hugs I could ever have. I rubbed his back for comfort.

I think I deserve comfort person as a title now. 24/7 job.

Javons POV

I'm beyond thankful to have Elizabeth. She's always comforting people. She deserves the world.

"I just don't understand why she would do that. I really loved her." I bawled.

Jayla shouted "Avery is throwing a party guys, y'all have to come."

I want to beat the fuck out of Avery. He was my fucking friend and he's dating Kaylen. Wait, JADEN IS HANGING OUT MY KAYLEN.

"I dont want to go" I barked.

"Come on wanna, please" Elizabeth shook me because she was still basically holding me like a baby.

"We can go together!" Jayla babbled.

"Yea wannabe!" Liz joked.

I love Liz she's just naturally funny and so kind.

"Yea," I agreed. I went to my room to wash my face and get ready.

Elizabeth's POV

"Let's go in matching dresses Lizzy!" Jayla said.

I wore a neon pink and Jayla wore a neon orange dress. (It was a neon party) we both straightened our hair. I pulled my mine back and Jayla wore her's down.

We sprayed matching perfume on and slid on some converse.

We went into Wannas room which smelt amazing.

I sat on his bed and Jayla knocked on his bathroom door. Jayla pointed her head towards Javons bathroom.

I open his door and walk in. His face is all red and he is hovering over his sink.

I walk over to Wanna and give him a hug.

I honestly feel very bad for wanna. Jaden and Kaylen are wrong for that. Especially Avery.

He starts crying again into my shoulder. I stiffen because I didn't want to get my dress. I eventually ease into the hug out of guilt.

He looks up "you smell good" he giggles.

Okay now I'm stuck in awh that was so cute. I give him a soft smile.

"I'll help you get ready come on" I respond.

We walk out of the bathroom hand in hand and Jayla isn't there anymore.

We walk towards his closet and look for an outfit.

I find these bright pink shorts and pick them up so he kinda matches with me and Jayla but mostly me. I grab a white shirt and pass him the outfit.

He walks to the bathroom and changes.

"How do I look," he questions walking out with hit outfit on including a chain and this braclet i gave him a while back.

"Amazing" I smile and walk towards him.

"You look cold, you can borrow a hoodie if you would like," He offers.

He walks to his closet and grabs a black zip up hoodie and passes it to me.

"Why thank you kind sir"I laugh while grabbing it.

Wanna grabs a pair of dunks and we walk downstairs.

"Are yall ready?" Jayla chortled.

"Yea were ready" me and wanna say in sync.

We hop into Jaylas car and start driving to Avery's house.

Jayla is in the front and me and wanna are in the back.

I look down to see wanna fidgeting with his hands. I grab his dominant hand (which is wannas left) and connect my fingers between his.

A small smile starts to form from him which makes me happy.

After a while we arrive and Avery's house. Its honestly pretty big but compared to me and the Walton's I'd say it's mid sized.

We get out of the car and I adjust my dress. Me and the other two who I'd say could probably be twins walk into the house.

As soon as we get in somebody grabs me by the hand.

It was Emma. She brings me and Jayla to the paint station and greets us. She dips her hand in paint and puts some on our arms.

After, she looked down at my boobs.

"May I?" She exclaimed. I nodded my head. She put some on my boobs, waist, and ass. Same for Jayla.

After small talk she walked away. Me and Jayla made paint patterns on each other's faces.

I looked over and saw wanna talking to someone else and he looked fine. I looked the other way and saw

Meant to be - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now