August 12

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"ELIZABETH, WAKE UP" A masculine voice shouted barging into my room.

"what," I whined while sitting up and rubbing  the side of my face.

"guess what day it is" Jaden said smiling and sitting on my bed.

"August 12" I smiled.

"August 12" Jaden said in sync with me and growing a smile.

"GUYS. ITS AUGUST 12" my mom said running into my room and jumping onto my bed.

"Why are we yelling while entering my room " I laughed.

"We've been waiting for a month Elizabeth. We deserve some excitement" my mom said wrapping her arm around Jaden.

"so, what's your answer lizzybear" my mom smiled towards me. Jaden looked towards me and smiled. His smile is everything oh my goodness.

"Jaden. You really have proved yourself. Your a gentleman, you always put me first, and your just a great person overall" I looked into his eyes.

"Elizabeth, could I be your boyfriend" Jaden asked. My mom was on the other side of him squealing.

I had so much joy in my eyes and nodded my head pulling him into a hug. I've started specializing hugs with Jaden. They feel amazing.

"I'm so happy I've gotten to watch my daughter meet her soulmate. Its the best feeling ever." My mom smiled. Its feeling really smiley.

Jaden grabbed me by my hand all the way into his room. It obviously didn't matter that I just woke up, im in a sweatshirt and shorts with a messy bed head, and I only had socks on. He still dragged me through the neighborhood to his house.

"Stand here, I bought us something" Jaden exclaimed. He ran to his closet and brought out two bags. He handed me one.

"No way," I shrieked. "Thank you Jaden!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

Jaden bought us matching sweatshirts and sweatpants, customized Jordan's for both of us, an extremely cute note, and a few other things.

The note:

Dear Elizabeth Jenner,

I'm extremely glad you've moved here. We've grown so close in such little time. I'm sorry for being shitty sometimes, I don't even mean it towards you. How can I? How can anyone Liz? Your perfect, inside and out. I love how your always so kind to people. People who don't deserve it, and people who do. I love your personality, it's 1 in a million, and I really find that cool about you. Infinite could not even describe the amount of love I have for you. Not even beyond, your special Elizabeth. I've been trying to find other ways to say I love you. So I wrote this note but I don't think I've reached that goal. I love you, Elizabeth Jenner. I always have and I always will. I'm excited to see our future. We relate in so many ways, we connect in so many ways, we always find each other in the end. That's what a soulmate is Elizabeth. You, you are my soulmate.

When I finished reading the note tears were streaming down my blushed face. I looked over at Jaden and gave him a hug.

"I love you Jaden, I always will. Your my soulmate Jae." I smiled into his chest.


Dont hate me. Dont fucking hate me. So basically this story started a while ago so spotlight will basically be this story but im gonna take away Haylee and Lea will be the oldest.

If your reading spotlight (the new version of this) keep in mind this story was basically part 1 of it spotlight will be part 2 with better grammer and it's basically just better overall.

Haylee is the only change for the story so yea. The setup will also be different but yea! Anyways this story is basically still going but like on a different story I guess.

I also have another story coming out along with spotlight called love hurts.

Meant to be - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now