Boat day

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It was around 10 am when I woke up with Jaden still sleeping next to me. I sat their in comfort with his warm arms around my waist. My room is often cold and Jadens warmth made everything better.

"Jaden, wake up" I said turning to him and lightly tapping his shoulder.

"Jae, it's like 10 you need to wake up buddy" I said again completely switching ways of talking.

"I'm up" Jaden whined. He got up and we brushed our teeth and walked downstairs.

"Morning lovebirds" my mom said sitting next to Jess on the couch. Their entire family was here actually.

"Good morning mom" I smiled. It had gotten easier with the boot because it felt like I was just walking with my foot right now. Me and Jaden sat on the couch and just watched the show everyone else was watching. DJ paused the tv and we all looked over at him.

"Wassup?" Javon questioned looking concerned.

"We've decided to have a boat day since we all have an off day today" He cheered. We all just smiled and cheered along.

"Get ready because we're leaving in like 40 minutes" DJ warned. I looked over at Jayla and escaped Jadens arm.

"Hey! Why'd you leave Liz?" He pouted. I just smirked and walked over to Jayla.

"Come, you can get ready with me and borrow my clothes!" I said taking her hand.

We walked up to my room and the others left and got ready. My family obviously got ready here.

"What's up with you and Jaden, you guys are all lovey dovey and im all in for it but, I need to know I'm very curious" Jayla observed. She was squealing and everything.

"So like, nevermind its a long story. Basically, we might be together August 12. I smiled and looked up at Jayla. She was smiling and everything.

"What about you and Haylee" I said while walking to my closet and grabbing me an outfit with Jayla following behind me.

"Eh, she has a boyfriend somehow. Its like she forgot about me or something. She led me on and shit, and then out of no where she's gone" Jayla raged. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sorry Jay, I'll talk to her okay? That's not okay" I comforted. We changed, got ready, and some other stuff.

Time skip

Me and Jayla were sitting by my mom waiting for DJ to start the boat.

"Hey girls, me, my mom, and my sisters are doing this modeling thing around December and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come with" My mom suggested. Jaylas face literally lit up.

"NO WAY" Jayla said with a voice crack at the end. I was smiling with her.

"YES WAY" My mom said imitating her tone. I shook Jayla and nodded my head. She nodded along.

"YES PLEASE MOM" I agreed happily. She smiled at our excitement.

Time skip

Jaden and Javon were wakesurfing and me and Jayla were talking.

"I think I really like Jaden, Jayla. Idk if it's just a teenager phase but I really like him" I sighed looking over at Jayla. It was hard to like someone. Everyone uses me and it hurts when they leave because I get to attached.

"I'm happy for you babe, I really am" she said forcing a smile.

"Jayla what's wrong," I observed.

Meant to be - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now