Black out

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My head was spinning, my mind was empty, my eyes were strained.

"Elizabeth, can you hear me my love?" I heard a feminine voice call out. My vision was blurred, which I soon gained back.

I saw a few heads peaking over me, unfamiliar heads. My head was pounding and I could finally say something.

"Who are you guys, if I might ask" The woman's bright smile dropped, so did the young ladies around her.

"Elizabeth. I'm your mother, Kendall Jenner" she said with a hurt voice. A lady in a pair of scrubs walked over to the lady.

"You have to know me Elizabeth." She said tearing up and stroking the side of my face.

"Im sorry, but I don't know you." I said with watery eyes. I was about to cry, I felt bad. It felt like she was mad at me. I really didn't know these people who were around me.

"Elizabeth your my twin! You have to know us Lizzy. We're your family" A blonde girl sobbed.

"Please Elizabeth" a girl with darker hair begged. I knew Elizabeth was my name, but how did they know my name.

"Give her some time. She will gain her memory back, If the process isn't done correctly over these next few months. She could lose it forever " The woman in scrubs announced. She got closer to my face.

"Do you know what happened" she questioned. I shook my head no which kinda hurt so I put my hand against my head.

"I'll get you a warm cloth and explain" she said while walking over to a station. The people from earlier were exiting the room looking a bit worried. The woman came back over and placed a cloth on my forehead.

"So," she sighed.

"You were hit by a bat when playing a game. That bat hit the back of your head which caused you to fall and when falling the bat hit your foot. If it didn't hit your head you probably would have been safe but just traumatized by the thought. Its better that you got hit. You have a broken foot and you've lost your memory just a bit but a few hours could easily fix your memory love, but if the process isn't done smoothly over these next few months, you could permanently lose it. Your gonna gain your memory back in the order you've met people." she explained. I could feel a million feelings while she was saying that. A brunette boy walked into the room.

"Elizabath your awake, thank you God" the brunette exclaimed. He walked up and gave me a gentle hug. So did the other brunette who looked like another version of him. He sat down next to me and held my hand. Another girl came in soon after. I turned to the lady in scrubs.

"Who is he" I asked expecting an answer.

"Elizabeth, are you serious right now" the brunette asked. I looked over and looked him in the eyes.

"Im sorry, this is a lot people keep coming in expecting me to know them but I don't. Its my fault and I'm sorry." I apologized.

The guy next to me was the only one in the room except for the lady in scrubs. His eyes were drained in tears, which soon fell down his face.

"I'm Jaden, Elizabeth. Your best friend. We've been through so much together and I hope you remember. You were my soon to be girlfriend Elizabeth. I could've called you mine August 12th and I will never forget that. Please dont forget me Elizabeth." He cried.

"I'm right here no matter what. Don't worry Liz" he comforted while rubbing my hand. I soon dozed off due to the warm cloth and warmth of his hand rubbing against mine.

Time skip

I woke up and the brunette's hand was still in mine but his eyes were closed. I could remember some things, my family, and the other girl, Jayla.

kendaljenner posted on her story

 I smiled at the picture and turned my phone off

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I smiled at the picture and turned my phone off.

"Jaden," I softly said while tapping his shoulder. He opened his eyes and sat up.

"Hi Lizzy, you remember me" He smiled.

Time skip

The doctor was delicately wrapping my foot and then placing a boot on it. She left the room and quickly came back with a pair of crutches.

"These will help you walk the first few weeks of having the boot on. I feel disappointed to tell you this but, you can't play baseball for about let's say 3 months" she verified. I felt a sharp stab in my heart.

"what." I softly spoke looking into her eyes.

"I'm sorry Ms.Jenner" she apologized. Im barely playing my fall season. Even worst, im not even playing baseball in general for a whole 3 months.

Time skip

I gave Harper my phone and slowly walked to the car due to my lack of experience with crutches. I eventually made it to the back seat and brought my crutches in with me.

Harper handed me my phone and sat on the other side of me. I opened my phone to just a few text messages. Unliked much?

I opened instagram and that's where I saw most of my notifications. It just had news about me and stuff, I don't really care. I shut my phone off and put my head on Harpers shoulder.

I had changed clothes, brushed my teeth, and other stuff. I was climbing into bed when I had heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said laying in bed and then looking up. I smiled and he walked over to my bed.

"Hey Liz, how are you feeling" he asked while sitting down on my bed.

"I feel good" I lied.

"Hey, im sorry about baseball" he apologized.

"Hey, it's okay don't apologize" I said looking back into his eyes.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" He asked. I nodded my head and he got comfortable in my bed. I was about to fall asleep when this dumbass spoke.

"Do you remember? You know, August 12th." He worriedly asked.

"Yes Jaden, August 12th I might be yours" I giggled. Jaden grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. I slowly fell asleep in his arm comforted by his warmth.



1105 words

Meant to be - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now