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I woke just to be blinded by my sister Lea opening my blinds.

"Come downstairs! Mom needs to tell us something." Lea stated. I slowly sat up stepping out of bed while Lea watched my every move.

" Got a staring problem little buddy?" I joked. Lea just laughed along making it obvious it was fake.

We finally reach downstairs and Harper and Hailey were already sitting on the couch. I sat on one of the love seats staring at mom and Amelia.

" We're moving" Mom straight out blurted. I didn't have a problem with moving but I had to act just a little dramatic. " What? " I replied.
"Where?" Harper added. This girl always reads my mind literally.

"Georgia" Amelia stated. "Tomorrow.." followed after. TOMORROW? " I literally have to pack everything my whole room and help pack up the house, shower because I literally can't be musty, that's nasty. And on top of that eat." I complained. " shower in the morning dumbass" Hailey sassed. Ugh this girl can't stfu. Just because your the oldest doesn't mean you can rule the world bitch. I usually joke when I call people a bitch, sometimes.

We heard a honk outside. I looked outside but couldn't really see due to the gate. " Oh that's the moving truck" my mom said. I'm actually pretty excited to move to Georgia. The Spiderman movies were filmed there. Well kinda but still I can breath the same air as Zendaya!! " Clean off your furniture and pack the smaller items so they can take the furniture" Amelia announced.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could because this was last minute. Mostly because I was excited but, she doesn't need to know that.

I took off my blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, and stuff like that. I left my bed looking empty. I then went over to my desk taking down my mirror, lights, computer mat, organizer and stuff like that. I'm truly excited, honestly. I think I've said that one to many times but who cares. I pulled my two suitcases out of my closet and my luggage bags that connect with the suit cases. I grabbed my carry on and started packing.

I of course started with my skincare because that stuff is just too precious. I grabbed my skincare bag that was empty, because I only use it when traveling. I added in my cleanser, moisturizer, toner, wipes, under eye patches, face masks, Gua sha, facial roller, and other items. Once that was filled I started filling my makeup bag. I'm not big on makeup but I do wear it from time to time. I packed up my mascara , highlighter, blush, and stuff like that. When it comes to lip gloss, lipstick, and stuff like that im not big on it.

I finished packing my skincare and makeup right when Harper busted into my room. She just sat on my chair staring at me. I was a bit confused so I questioned " Wtf do you want? "

" GUESS WHAT " she squealed. " what?! " I said curiously. " I'm getting the second biggest room" she bragged then stormed out. I groaned trying to ignore her. I like small rooms but I kinda wanted that bigger room. After I finished packing I slept on the ground for no reason. It was pitch black in my room because I took my led lights down but it doesn't really matter.

Fast forward - 2:00 am

I mean I was excited enough for moving but an early morning flight topped it off. I went to my bathroom to take a cold shower even tho it's December. ( let's ignore the fact we're in June )

Your outfit

Your outfit

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Meant to be - Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now