1. Magic?

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The fight with Volturi was just a few weeks ago and I am just so glad to be done with those stupid vampires. They really got onto my nerves. I swear if I see a single one of them within the next year I'm going to kill their whole family. Luckily, now that I'm back I've had time to help Nico with some more underworld stuff and hanging out with Leo more often. Although, we've been apart for a good portion of our relationship, we've had time to make it up. Going on date, picnics, just hanging whenever we can. Also, we recently won capture the flag with the Athena and Apollo cabins. It was interesting since Percy and Annabeth were on different teams. We won though and Clarisse was pissed, she mostly blamed Percy since he didn't want to hurt Annabeth. In my opinon it's because Percy had a little too much to drink and forgot we were playing.

Will came into cabin 13 not too long ago and said that I was needed in the big house. I really hope it's just to talk about my last quest and not about something else. Did I do anything illegal? Nothing that anyone can prove. 

I enter and sitting in there is Chiron and Mr D. "You said you wanted to see me?" I ask them.

"Yes, Natasha!"

"Natalia," I corrected even though it's no use. He sometimes gets it right for Nico and I and it's confusing when he does. 

"Yeah, whatever," Mr D waves it off.

"It seems someone wanted to see you," Chiron says.

"Who?" I question, why the hell does someone want to visit a child of hades unless it's for underworld business?

"Well, I did of course," the lady says, coming out of the corner of the room.

"Lady Hecate? Why would you need to see me?"

"Well you see, I made this world of witches and wizards a long time ago and evidently they are in danger of this very powerful wizard named Tom Riddle or Lord Voldemort," she says using air quotes. "I need you to help protect the chosen one, and the wizarding world itself."

"Listen, I just came back from a quest...." I trail off. I hope she won't make me do this.

"Well, too bad," she shrugs. "She'll be back soon Chiron, Dionysus," she nods and we disappear in a cloud of smoke.

When we appear again we show up on a dark road in the middle of a town. I look around confused and she puts her hand on my back and starts to move forward down the road. 

"There are a few things you need to know first. I'm taking you to protect Harry Potter, do not do anything for him because the wizarding world is in his hands and he needs to be the one to save everyone, you just need to make sure he's alive to do it. He goes to a wizarding school called Hogwarts and you'll be needing a wand," she hands me a box. "You'll be able to use magic like one of my children. Albus knows of your arrival but doesn't know what you are. They don't believe in the Greek gods so I just advise not to say anything because they won't get it," she tells me as we walk down the road.

"Wait, aren't they demi-gods?" I ask her. I mean they have the powers of a Hecate kid so aren't they part god?

"No, I just gifted them with magic," she explains with a shrug. "Makes things entertaining."

"Will monsters be coming after me?" I ask her, this will be terrible on its own let alone monsters coming after me.

"No, there are protective charms here and at the school. You will also be staying with the Order of the Phoenix. They are a group of people working against the Death Eaters, the inner circle of Voldemort."

"Is that everything?" I ask her. "Wait, how long will this take?"

"A couple of years," She answers and my eyes widen.

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