22. Return

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They were to return to Hogwarts on the Knight Bus the following day, escorted once again by Tonks and Lupin, both of whom were eating breakfast in the kitchen when Natalia arrived. She sat down with them and started to eat as they continued their conversation about Harry and the vision type things.

"So, how do you feel? Next time we see you, you'll be fifteen," Tonk reminded the demi-god as she nudged her with her shoulder.

Natalia groaned, "horrible. I'm 16! Or 60," she thought for a moment before shaking her head and plopping it on the table.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry came down the stairs and the hushed conversations came to an end which made the whole room very quiet.

After a hurried breakfast for everyone else, they all pulled on jackets and scarves against the chilly gray January morning. Something about leaving made Natalia feel bad. Her and Sirius were getting along and just leaving him felt wrong. Or maybe it was the fact it was finally January, her birth month and another reminder she wouldn't see her brother for another couple of years. Nico, Hazel, Will, Lou Ellen, Leanne maybe never, who knows what's going on with her quest.

Molly was hugging everyone as they exited the house, including Natalia. She waited outside the door for Harry who was saying goodbye to Sirius. He had finally come out with Tonks and as Lupin came out next the door to the manor was slammed shut and it disappeared.

"Come on, the quicker we get on the bus the better," said Tonks, there was nervousness in the glance she threw around the square. Lupin flung out his right arm.


A violently purple, triple-decker bus had appeared out of thin air in front of them, narrowly avoiding the nearest lamppost, which jumped backwards out of its way.

A thin, pimply, jug-eared youth in a purple uniform leapt down on to the pavement and said, "Welcome to the -"

"Yes, yes, we know, thank you," said Tonks swiftly. Natalia was the first one to quickly run up the stairs onto the bus. "On, on, get on -"

And Tonks shoved Harry forwards towards the steps, past the conductor, who goggled at Harry as he passed.

"Ere - it's 'Arry -!"

"If you shout his name I will curse you into oblivion," muttered Tonks menacingly, now shunting Ginny and Hermione forwards. Natalia grabbed his hand and made him follow her, even though she didn't know where they were going.

"I've always wanted to go on this thing," said Ron happily, joining Harry on board and looking around.

it was crammed with an assortment of mismatched chairs grouped haphazardly around windows. Some of these appeared to have fallen over when the bus stopped abruptly in Grimmauld Place; a few witches and wizards were still getting to their feet, grumbling, and somebody's shopping bag had slid the length of the bus: an unpleasant mixture of frogspawn, cockroaches and custard creams was scattered all over the floor.

"Looks like we'll have to split up," said Tonks briskly, looking around for empty chairs. "Fred, George and Ginny, if you just take those seats at the back... Remus can stay with you. Natalia, up the stairs if you please."

Natalia kept hold of Harry's hand as she walked up stairs with the other three following them. When they got to the top deck, there were two unoccupied chairs at the very front of the bus and three at the back. Stan Shunpike, the conductor, followed Natalia, Harry, and Ron eagerly to the back. Heads turned as Harry passed and, when he sat down, all the faces flicked back to the front again.

"Eleven sickles," Stan said, holding out his hand. Natalia opened her bag and stopped. Harry leaned over and took the sickles out of her bag. She handed them to Stan as Harry and Ron did the same and the bus set off again, swaying ominously. It rumbled around Grimmauld Place, weaving on and off the pavement, then, with another tremendous BANG, they were all flung backwards; Ron's chair toppled right over and Pigwidgeon, who had been on his lap, burst out of his cage and flew twittering wildly up to the front of the bus where he fluttered down on to Hermione's shoulder instead. Natalia grabbed onto the closet thing near her and tried not to be thrown about as harshly again.

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