14. Quidditch

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We soon were having D.A. meetings once or twice a week. I was given a coin like the rest of the members which would grow hot and change date and time for the next meeting.

Other than that I helped younger years with their spells. I had also been getting more flashes.

Recently though, meetings were put on hold because of quidditch– apparently some teams were having daily practices. I mean I wouldn't want everyone to put their entire lives on hold for this, but it is a little annoying.

The morning of the first match was very... much, for lack of a better word. The boys and girls were going crazy. The members of the team were wearing their jerseys and everyone was only wearing green and silver. Pansy had forced me into blacking leggings with a greenish-black skirt and long sleeve black shirt. She also refused to allow me to wear my bomber jacket, but she did let me wear my leather jacket. She said it went with the look.

While I don't like fashion I can appreciate how good she made me look, she even did my hair. I looked really pretty even though I was wearing heeled boots. Leo wouldn't like it because I would be taller than him now.

As I was laughing with Daphne and Blaise a memory flashed through my head. The pregnancy, Will being tired, the fight of the wolves. Dear Merlin, it had only been a few weeks and I was losing months of my life. I thought this spell was supposed to slow it down.

"You remember the song right?" Draco asked us, handing us all badges before we left through the tunnel.

"What song?" I asked.

He looked at me with an 'are you serious' look. "The song we've been talking about for weeks?"

"I have no clue what you're talking about," I admit to him.

He rolls his eyes, "Just follow everyone else and don't mess it up," he tells me, pinning the badge to my top.

"Alright," I muttered, heading out of the common room. "Do either of you know what he's talking about?"

"The Weasley song, we've been spreading it around, you probably just disregarded it with your zoning out," Daphne shrugged.

"Just making it look like you're mouthing the lyrics," Blaise instructed.


"I'm so excited!" Theo grinned. "I love playing. I just hope we win. I hate playing against Potter. It's not even fair sometimes. We get over 140 points sometimes and then lose because he catches the snitch and all our hard work was for nothing because they have one good player."

"Yeah, that sucks, why do they do that?"

They all shrug, "It's just how you play the game, makes things more competitive," Pansy says.

"I know you talk about it alot, why don't you play?" I ask her.

"No girl has ever played on the Slytherin team. Too much ridicule and now we've just stopped trying out," Millicent explains, forgot she was here honestly.

"Fuck that! Men suck, maybe that's why we're losing!"

"HEY!" Theo says offended.

"Tell me you wouldn't be better off if a girl replaced Malfoy with his endless vendetta against Potter and Weasley?" I ask.

"Okay, that is fair."

"Let's just head to breakfast," Blaise says. "Theo needs to eat and we need liquid so we don't damage our vocal cords screaming."

We enter the great hall and everyone waves to Ron as they go past. I look at them confused and wave to him and Harry with a smile. Then I see the twins and they both do dramatic deaths until I wave at them too and them overly enthusiastically wave back.

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