25. Valentine's Day

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January quickly turned into February and Valentine's Day was finally here. Natalia had already agreed to go to Hogsmeade with Draco. It was a thing her friend group did where they fought to get a date with each other so they weren't the one left to go it alone. Last year, apparently, Theo got so desperate he asked Draco to go with him. He ended up going with Blaise and Draco had to go alone.

The rest of the girls had gotten up earlier than normal. Natalia was still up first. They started getting ready as soon as they were awake as Natalia read one of the books she got for Christmas. She put down the book in realization. When did she like reading?

She put her book away and got off her bed. "Do you need help getting ready?" Pansy asked as she put mascara on.

"No, I'll be fine," Natalia waved her off, making Daphne squeal and run up to hug her.

"You're learning!" Natalia laughed and patted her on the shoulder as Daphne let go to finish. She sighed and went through her trunk. She picked out an outfit Daphne got her for Christmas. She pulled out a long sleeve green shirt, black skirt, and heeled boots that she stole from Walburga's closet.

She went into the bathroom and grabbed some of Daphne's makeup. She told her she could use it whenever she needed. First she grabbed some of her concealer and put it under her eyes to hide the dark circles. She didn't want to do anything too drastic since she didn't fully know what she was doing other than having watched the other girls do it. She grabbed her blush and put the smallest amount on her checks to make her look alive. She grabbed her mascara and spread it on her eyelashes. Finally, she grabbed her green lipstick and slowly put it on, trying not to smudge it anywhere it shouldn't be.

Natalia walked out of the bathroom and Pansy gasped, "oh, you look so pretty. Here, let me grab you a purse." She ran to her trunk and searched through it before she brought out a black purse with a silver chain.

Natalia laughed, grabbing it from her. "It feels like when I went to a criminal trial. I had to dress up. I'm not used to wearing heels."

Daphne wrapped her arms around hers, "You'll be fine, plus, it's your date's job to catch you if you fall."

"Alright girls, let's go," Pansy smirked at them as they all left the dorm room and walked down the stairs to the common rooms.

As soon as they got down, the boys came into view. Draco was wearing his usual black suit, but it was nicer than usual. Theo and Blaise were both wearing something similar and smiled at the girls as they finished walking down the stairs.

Blaise was the first one to move forward and grabbed Daphne's hand, giving it a kiss then winked at her. She smiled at him as they walked to the painting. Theo then came and took Pansy's hand. Draco came forward and held out his arm. Natalia walked forward and grabbed it. "You clean up nicely," Draco commented. "Better than the ripped old clothes you usually wear."

"You have a problem with the way I dress?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow. He looked her in the eyes before shaking his head.

"Nope, I think you look lovely, scary, but lovely," Draco corrected.

Natalia hummed as they walked through the portrait and into the dungeons. "Of course you do."

They walked up the stairs and joined the line of people waiting to be checked off the list by Filch. When they got to the front, Filch gave Natalia a look. She didn't have a paper signed by a parent, but Dumbledore had fixed that. They walked past him and started their journey to Hogsmeade. Natalia felt guilty. She knew she should probably be with Harry. Too much had happened for her not to at least have an eye on him at all times.

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