6. New Family

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They walked down the street of Privet Drive "Keep your wands at the ready," he said brightly.

"But I thought I'm not allowed to use magic outside school, sir?"

"If there is an attack," said Dumbledore, "I give you permission to use any counter jinx or curse that might occur to you. However, I do not think you need worry about being attacked tonight."

"Why not, sir?"

"You are with me," said Dumbledore simply. "This will do." He came to an abrupt halt at the end of Privet Drive.

"You both have not, of course, passed your Apparition Test," he said.

"No," said Harry. "I thought you had to be seventeen?"

Natalia smirked, "when has that stopped us before."

Dumbledore looked at her amused, "You do," he said, "So you will need to hold on to my arm very tightly. Natalia, hold on to him if you will?"

Harry gripped Dumbledore's proffered forearm.

"Very good," said Dumbledore. "Well, here we go."

Natalia grabbed Harry's arm and the next thing she knew, everything went black; she was being pressed very hard from all directions. It felt familiar, like she had done something similar. She could not breathe, there were iron bands tightening around her chest; her eyeballs were being forced back into her head; her eardrums were being pushed deeper into his skull and then —

Everything was straight once again and there was a large path in front of them. "Are you all right?" asked Dumbledore, looking down at them solicitously. "The sensation does take some getting used to."

"I'm fine," said Harry, rubbing his ears, which felt as though they had left Privet Drive rather reluctantly. "But I think I might prefer brooms. . . ."

Dumbledore smiled, drew his traveling cloak a little more tightly around his neck, and said, "This way."

"What is this place?" Harry questioned. There was a rather large house in the distance, surrounded by a fence and a gate.

"This is where we leave you, Natalia," Dumbledore explained and she nodded. She sat her trunk down and turned towards them.

She gave Harry a hug and whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry in advance," she said softly and gave him a kiss on the check. "You're still annoying, chosen one."

He was still perplexed by her statement before, but gave a quick wave before they disappeared again. Natalia turned towards the large house and grabbed her wand. "I don't care enough. Wingardium Leviosa." The trunk started floating behind her.

She walked for a while before she came to the gate. Before she could push it open a house elf popped out. "Name and reason for visit?" He asked.

"Natalia di Angleo, here to see my new Guardians," she told the house elf. He nodded and grabbed her arm. She quickly grabbed her trunk and he apparated them.

They came out and her head spun for a second before she took in her surroundings, it looked like they were just inside the house, right next to the entrance.

In walked Aries Zabini, he stopped and looked at his house elf and the young girl, "You must Natalia, my son's friend, Aries Zabini," he held his hand out and she shook it. "Zippy, take her trunk to her room," he ordered and the house elf disappeared with Natalia's stuff.

He turned towards her again and smiled, "I'll introduce you to everyone." He led her to a family portrait. "This is my wife, Camilla and our daughter Delia. That's Blaise and his mother, she travels between husbands so this is her fourth," he pointed to each one. Camilla looked a lot like Daphne with Brown hair and hazel eyes and Delia looked like Aries, but with hazel eyes.

All of the sudden, Blaise walked down the stairs, "Natalia, Zippy alerted me you were here."

Aries nodded, "Well, it's quite late, how about you show her to her room and you kids head to bed?" Blaise nodded and gestured for her to follow him down the hallway.

They walked for a bit, walking past several rooms and some stairs. It reminded her of what Sirius said his home in France looked like, but smaller. They stopped at a door that had a gold carving of her name on it that surprised her.

"My step-mother did it, said she wanted you to feel more at home," Blaise explained. Natalia raised her hand to the door. It was a dark wood and the etching of her name seemed to be burned into it and painted over. "Well, if you need anything, ask Zippy or my room is right down the hall," he said, pointing to a dark green door with an etching of his name on it.

"Goodnight," she told Blaise as she opened the door.

"Goodnight, and welcome home," he smirked and she nodded to him.

She walked into the room and it almost reminded her of her dorm at Hogwarts with the decorations. When she walked in on the right there was a large night stand with a few things on the top. In front of her and next to the window was a desk that held a mirror, stationary, quills, muggle pens, stamps, and a wax seal. There was also already a letter there addressed to her.

To the left was the bed. It was a Queen size and had dark purple sheets that reminded her of something that she couldn't put her finger on. There were several piles of pillows on the bed and curtains that were tied up with silk ribbons.

On either side of the bed were night stands. It held an alarm clock, a muggle phone, two coasters that had a glass of milk and a glass of water. She could tell they were enchanted by the fact that the milk still had steam coming off of it and the water didn't have any condensation.

Next to the bed was a door. She tugged on the handle and it opened to a bathroom. It was fully stocked with towels, a tooth brush, tooth paste, face wash, soap, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, perfume, what looked like unopened make-up, and some other hair and female products.

She closed all the cabinets and walked out of the bathroom to see another door across the way, next to the wardrobe. She opened it and it was a closet. There were several dresses, blouses, shoes, pants, it all looked new and very expensive. There were also several different sizes.

Natalia was beginning to feel overwhelmed and looked to her trunk that was at the bottom of her bed and opened it to get what she normally slept in– a tank top and leggings. She brushed her teeth and pulled the blankets off one of the sides of the bed and removed a bunch of pillows until there were only two left under her head.

The bed was so soft she felt like she was going to sink to the floor. It felt weird and unnatural to be that comfortable. It was like all at once her body had relaxed for the first time in years and she laid her head against the pillow. "You're so comfortable, Leo," she said, letting the words just fall out of her mouth. They were so familiar on her tongue like she had said them before. She looked up and saw bright orange mixed with a bit of brown and felt warmth against her. She could practically hear his smirk and chuckle. She felt the rumble of his chest and smiled at him.

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