And I knew how you took your coffee
And your favorite songs by heart
I read all of your self-help books
So you'd think that I was smart
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave
You found someone mo...
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the meeting
the next day kira woke up at 6:45am as she did everyday for school. she got up got in the shower, brushed her teeth and washed her face and for a second she forgot. today was bella swans first day of school. after getting dress and applying mascara and grabbing her lip gloss and chapstick she grabbed her bag and headed down stairs. " good morning vampira" eric said " good morning loser" she replied as she walked into the kitchen where her family was. she picked up toast off her brothers plate and begain to eat it as her dad finished making kira and her mother lunch since the two were vegan, eric liked getting school lunch it wasn't very good but he liked walking in the line with his friends. " kira come on its time to go" eric said getting up from the table " kay bye dad love you" kira said as she grabbed her lunch and follows her brother to the door where there bags were waiting . kira pulled her doc martins off the shoe rack and put them on then grabbed her dads old leather jacket and her satchel and walked out the house. the drive to school was filled with eric rambling on about how bella swan and how shes new and how hes gonna get her in there friend group, of course kira wasn't paying attention. once they pulled up to the school kira was the first one out the car, she walked over to the friends she shares with her brother. " hey guys" kira said as she went and stood next to Angela her best friend. " hey kira" they all called out " how was your weekend with jake" angie said wiggling her eyebrows " he didnt come he spent his entire day with the new girl" kira said rolling her eyes " wait what?" angie replied " yea apparently they were childhood friend and when he went to drop his dad off they decided to catch up. and i wouldn't have even cared if he would have called me and told me instead of having me sit there looking out the window like some loser! and now everyone is gonna be all over her including my boyfriend all because shes new, i mean you should have heard eric in the car he hasn't even met the girl and he was talking about her in the car." kira said as the left the group to go into the school " he didnt even call you" angie said in disbelief " no he called me after and said get this he forgot all about me untill his dad said it was time to go" she said as they stopped at there lockers " wow what an ass" angie said " honestly if i never have to meet bella swan it would be too soon. ill see you at lunch angie im gonna head to class early." kira said closing her locker with her books in her hand "okay ill see you and lunch ki" angela said closing her locker and walking away to her first class
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being the only freshman in her friend group kinda sucks since she doesnt have and classes with them. but kira sees it as a perk she doesnt have any classes with bella swan. once the lunch bell rings kira leaves her english class and goes to her locker for her lunch. as she enters the lunch room tyler and mike run past her, kira ignores them like she usually does and walks to therw usual table only to stop a few feet away and sees an unknown girl at the table talking to jessica. angela looks up and sees kira and gives her a sympathetic look basically telling her that the unknown girl is bella swan. sucking it up kira walked the rest of the way to the table and sitting next to angela. " hey ang and jess" kira said as she pulled her lunch out " hey kira" they said at the same time. " kira this is bella, bella this is kira erics little sister." jessica said introducing the two " wait kira as in jacobs girlfriend he wouldn't shut up about you yesterday" bella gushed " yea" kira says trying to hide her blush behind her veggie rap her dad made her. " hey sorry about yesterday my dad told me he usually comes over yours on the weekends , if i knew i wouldn't have hogged him." bella said " its okay, its not your fault im not mad at you im mad at him." kira said then began eating her lunch.
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