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the play

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the play

kira had finished leahs pieces after two weeks. she tried calling leah and even tried going to her house but no one was there so kira did something she didnt want to, she went to the pack house. since kira and her friend had plans to go into the city for the opening night of chicago  she decied to drop it off before she met them. once she was dressed and ready she picked up the box that was filled to the brim with clothes kira made for her shifter friend and put it in her trunk. once kira arived to the house and got out she noticed how quiet it was which was unusuile since it was around the time emily fed them not thinking much of it kira walked up to the house and knocked on the door and waited for a responce. emily opened the door a couple seconds later, once she walked in she saw the boys seated at the table all looking at her. "hey i cant stay long but i made leah some clothes and nobody was home so i was wondering if i could leave it here for her?" kira asked 

" leahs a trator" paul grumbled 

" yeah you can put it in the spare bed room closet ill give it to sue when i see her at the pack meeting" sam said  pointing to the stairs 

" um okay" kira said and walked to the room and placed it in the closet 

"thank you bye guys" kira said as she started walking to the door 

"wait!" kim called out jareds imprint "where are you going all dressed up?" asked kim 

"on a date" kira said with a small smile cutting her eye at emby to see his reaction. he choked on his drink. 

"with who?" paul ask 

"a friend hes taking me to see a play i really want to see. after were going to this nice resterant in the city" kira said smiling 

"so your cheeting on me" embry asked and the room got quiet 

"im sorry are you finally talking to me?" kira asked sharply 

"i guess not since your going out with other people." he said as he started to shake and kiras eyed began to glow,when kiras phone rang in her purse. not breaking eye contact kira dug her phone out answering knowing who it was "hey jess i just dropped off her clothes and saddly she wasnt here ill be to you guys in like twenty minutes and then we can go see the show" said kira as she watched embry slowly stop shaking 

"you always read my mind  ill see you soon " she replied then she blew a kiss into the phone and hung up

"now if you'll exuse me my date is waiting for me."kira said and walked out she could hear the heavy foot steps of embry following her but she ignored him and  kept walking to her car. "so thats it your gonna just walk in and drop something off and leave!?"embry said 

"yes" kira replied 

"what about us?" embry asked  

" what about us i havent heard from you since before the wedding which you didnt go to. then you never answered my texts or any of my phone calls" kira yelled turning to face him 

" and all the time you've come here you never once tried to talk to me" embry yelled back 

" what do you expect me to do embry im not gonna be the only one making an effort the ball is in your court i reached out to you and you never responded to me. now i have to leave i have a play to see." kira said as she got into her car and pulled off.

" kira said as she got into her car and pulled off

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its eras tour movie day 

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