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the outfit above is for the date and outfit from the last chapter is what she wears to school pretend the dress isnt see through

the outfit above is for the date and outfit from the last chapter is what she wears to school pretend the dress isnt see through

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date night

"how about you and me tonight we go to seattle and see a movie and get dinner?" embry asked after kira and his first kiss
" okay yea that sounds fun." kira replied

ric came out the house and smiled at his sister and embry, she was finally happy again.
kira got out the truck and walked over to erics car and got in, eric looked at kira and smiled then started the car.
on the ride to school kira couldnt stop staring dreamly out the window thinking about her outfit.
when the two siblings arrived at school they walked over to there groupd of friends and angie had the biggest smile on her face kira could tell her brother spilled the beans about the date.
"so how was your morning?"angie asked with a sly smerk on her face
" i know you know so wanna come over after school and help me pick out and outfit?'' kira asked
"yesss!" angie squeeled
"whats up with you two?'' bella asked and the entire friend group looked over at them
" kira has a date later." angie said which cause jessica to run over to the other girls
"can i help pick out your outfit?" jessica asked
'' of course jess i need your help with the acessories" kira sais with a smile on her face

" angie said which cause jessica to run over to the other girls"can i  help pick out your outfit?" jessica asked '' of course jess i need your help with the acessories" kira sais with a smile on her face

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when school ended the three girls rode together to kiras house. "okay so what are you guys doing?" jessica asked as she walked over to kiras closet
" were going to seattle and seeing a movie then dinner." kira said as she plopped down on her bed.
" okay we want something thats cute and still you" jess said going through the closet. jessica pulled out atleast twenty dresses and shirt and skirt combos before she pulled put a red sher dress with a tan slip under it. " okay i like this, what do you think?" jess asked " yes thats cute i gloves that matches it." kira said getting off her bed and going to her dresser to her draw with stockings and gloves and pulled out a pair a red pair of gloves. " shes gonna need a jacket its gonna be cold" angie said getting off the bed and going over to kiras rack of coats and pulled off different jackets and held them up to the dress until she found the perfect leather jacket with fur trim. she set the dress and jacket with the gloves on the bed and went to find a bag that matche while jess looked for shoes. kira got into the shower while the girls finished picking out her outfit. once she was done she put on her robe after drying off and walked into her room and sat at her vanity to blow dry her hair and do her makeup. jess and angie looked at each other and giggled as they ran over to help kira do her hair and makeup. angie finished drying kiras hair then put it in a half up half down with curled ends and jessic did her makeup and black and red smoky wing with lip gloss. kira grabbed her matching bran and underwear and her dress and went into the bathroom and changed when she came out jess zippened her dress. she turned around and showed her friends there masterpiece.she went to put her shoes on when the door bell rang.
" omg hes here go get the door!" kira yelled as she ran to grab her gloves and coat.
the two ran down stairs to open the door
" hey your embry right?" angie asked
" yea and your jessica and Angela right?" he asked
" yea  she'll be down soon." jessica said
a couple seconds later kira came downstairs heals on coat in hand and gloves on
" hey embry" kira said smoothly
" woah kira you look incredible" embry said making kira blush hard.
" lets go baby" embry said holding his hand out fir kira to take. they two walked out to the car hand in hand and making angie and jessica swoon in happiness at there friend being happy again.

 they two walked out to the car hand in hand and making angie and jessica swoon in happiness at there friend being happy again

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part two will be posted in a couple days ❤️

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