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the wedding

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the wedding

the day of the wedding kira,jessica, and angela all got ready in kira's bedroom. 

"all im saying is i dont see why we aren't bridesmaids i mean we are her only friends in this town."jessica said as she painted her toes 

"i know why im not but maybe because you've had a crush on her boyfriend for years angie should be the only one of us thats a bridesmaid at least."kira said as she did angela's makeup.

"still its crazy that her friends aren't in the wedding party." jessica said "ang do you want me do your hair?" jessica asked 

"im just gonna pin it back." angela replied as kira finished her make up 

"do you like it? i pulled this gloss out for you to wear." kira said as she spun angela around to see her self in the mirror 

"i love this thanks" angela said with a smile on her face. angela stood up and walked over to jessica on the bed. kira sat down at her vanity and plugged in her moms hot rollers so she could curl her hair. while she was waiting for the rollers to heat up she started her make up. 

"what time do you guys wanna leave?" kira asked 

"i dont know the wedding starts at five and its three so like four- thirty ish i dont know " jessica said

"okay" kira replied as she started her eyes. the three girls sat there and did diffrent things to get ready. jessica's hair was in curlers as she painted her nails. and angela was going through her jewelry to see what she which ones she wanted to wear. once kira was done with her eyes the curlers were done heating up so she paused on her make up and did her hair, once it was done with her hair she continued her make up.once kira was done jessica went over to do her make up while the other to got dressed. soon the three of them were ready to go. they met eric and mike down stairs where they took a group picture for there summer scrap book. and off they were. when they got there they were directed to there seat. 

" they all have to be related" mike said " i mean seriously there gene pool must be crazy" mike continued to gush over they cullens 

"hey mike you got a little droll" jessica said motioning to the side of her mouth while the rest on them snickered. kira looked around to see if she spotted her boyfriend but she spotted billy black, seth and his mother sue clearwater instead. seth and kira made eye contact and he shook his head saying embry wasnt there, kira slumped in her seat in defeat as turned as the wedding started. everyone stood up and watched bella swan walk down the isle in a beautiful dress. once the wedding was over and the reseption started kira and her friends stood by the cake people watching. while the others talked about the cake kira wondered who designed all the dresses in the cullen family. alice came over and began talking to her friends and kira toned her out until alice stood in front of kira. " you look amazing did you make this dess?" alice asked 

"uhh yea i make it a couple moths ago. thanks alice you look amazing also. you did a great job on the wedding by the way." kira said 

"how do you know i planned the wedding?" alice asked with a little giggle 

" because if bella planned it would be bland and not like an enchanted forest in your back yard?" kira said with a smile and walked away noticing one of the cullens cousins who's dress she had to know who made. while walking over she bumped into a girl in a pink dress with straight split dye hair " oh im so sorry i did see you there"  she said 

"no it was my fault i was on a mission. i love your dress, im kira." kira said introducing her self 

" thank you im Aurora. your also look stunning." aurora said befor walking away. and kira continued to walk over to the three blondes standing by themseleves 

"hi im sorry if im enterupting but i just came over to say that i loved your dressed and wondered who made them?" kira said  

"oh no worries um i dont actually know weve had these dresses for a while."one of the blondes said 

" im kate and these are my sisters irena and tanya" kate said introducing her self and her sisters 

" i love your dress i thing the simple accessories and the curls just bring it to life." tanya said 

" thank you i made it my self" kira said but before anyone could say anything back it was time for speeches 

emmet was first and he made a joke about sex? then bella's mom went on stage and she was clearly drunk singing a song  she sung to bella as a kid . one by one the cullens and bella's family went on stage and gave a speech, jessica wanted to make a speech but kira and angela stopped her. once the speeches were over they continued to dance and eat cake. kira went to  dance with seth since she couldnt dance with her boyfriend when seth suddenly ran out the wedding and never came back. soon the wedding was over and it was time to send off bella and edward off to there honeymoon. kira waited for a text from embry on why he didnt come and one never came.

lol rory came to the wedding i thought she should make an appearance what she wore(imagine its light pink)

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lol rory came to the wedding i thought she should make an appearance what she wore(imagine its light pink)

lol rory came to the wedding i thought she should make an appearance what she wore(imagine its light pink)

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