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so smut (under age drinking)

so smut (under age drinking)

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i missed you so much 

the five of them file into edwards volvo while eric drove his car and they all headed to jessicas house where they were meeting up. " you have to drive like a human i hope you know" kira said from the back seat 

"ugh its not my fault they cant keep up" edward joked. when they got to jessica's house they all got out and walked inside "jess jess!" kira called out

"were in here you guys can come in were ready" jess called out they all walked up to her room and saw them fixing there hair 

" you guys look hot" kira said 

" thank you" they said in unison as jess did a twurl and angie did a pose 

" weres lover boy" eric said as he went over and sat on jessicas bed

"hes on his way"jessica said 

"i see somebody fixed themselves and pulled that stick out of his ass" angie said making everyone but embry laugh 

"i know right call mike and tell him to hurry up." kira said. as soon as kira said that mike walked in. 

" yall ready?" mike called from down stairs 

" yeah" that all called out. one by one they all filled out jessicas room down to the living room

" okay before we leave we're taking a picture this is the first time we're all going out together. jess where's your sister?" kira asked 

"a sleep over the house is emty tonight." jess replied 

" ill take the picture that way you have a picture of your friend group." embry said taking the camera from kira. they all posed and embry took a few pictures,after pictures were taken then all headed out to the cars and headed out.

 they all posed and embry took a few pictures,after pictures were taken then all headed out to the cars and headed out

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as they stood in the line for the club edward kept nudging kira. " what do you want hair do?"kira asked 

" your boyfriend wants to talk to you and doesnt know how to approach you so go." edward whispered. kira looked back at embry who was standing next to leah and mike and saw hr was fidgeting, she sighed and walked over and stood next to him. leah grabbed mike and pulled him up where everyone else was and left the two of them in the back. "why do you look like that" kira asked 

"i want to say im sorry and that i love you and i want to make it up to you."embry said.

"okay well see how tonight goes then well talk about this tomorrow."kira said as she moved up with the line. soon the group was up to the front and they showed their id's to the bouncer and soon walked in. edward and embry went and found a table and the others grabbed drinks from the bar while kira and leah went to dance. it wasnt long till everyone was on the dance floor, embry came up behind kira and was dancing with her when 'pony' came on. it was like something came over everyone on the floor. embry pulled kira closer her body fit against his just right as they moved in sync.  with his hands on her waist he followed her movements,they ground together to the rhythm of the music, with each thrust and sway of their bodies. kira could feel how hard embry was by the end of the song she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathroom and saw there was no line to the mens room. embry went in first and looked around to check to see if its clear once he saw it was he pulled kira in the room and locked the door. embry put kira onto the sink and began kissing her and grinding on her. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" embry asked

" i do, do you?" embry asked and kira nodded

"word baby" embry said 

" yes" she whispered shyly 

"i dont have a condom." embry said "its okay we can get a plan b tomorrow."kira said and embry nodded. embry pulled kira off the sink and turned her around to face the mirror he undid his pants and he pulled her panties to the side and slid in. as embry fucked kira into the sink he watched her face in the mirror, he watched as she bit her lip so she wouldnt moan and how she struggled to keep her eyes open. embry leaned forward and whispered in her ear  as he felt her walls pulse she was close and he could tell " open you eyes baby. i wanna see you as you cum baby." she opened her eyes and made eye contact with embry in the mirror and she saw the way he was looking at her and she came. "fuck baby your gonna make me cum." he groaned making her squeeze him harder making him cum.  the two sat there panting for a second then embry slowly pulled out making her whimper he grabbed a paper towel  and wet it a bit and he cleaned her up and helped her to the toilet so she could pee. he cleaned him self and went to unlock the door and looked and and saw there still wasnt a line just there luck.once kira was done they walked out to find there friends sitting at the booth nobody suspected a think but edward who laughed and whispered to bella who looked over at them and shook her head. leah soon headed over to the group from the dance floor and she slid in next to the couple and sniffed and scrunched her face " you two reek of sex" she said loudly and the whole table heard and laughed except eric who gagged 

 leah soon headed over to the group from the dance floor and she slid in next to the couple and sniffed and scrunched her face " you two reek of sex" she said loudly and the whole table heard and laughed except eric who gagged 

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i just want to say idk how to right a quickie and this smut scene was so unnecessary i just wanted to do something random with them and yes she did buy a plan b im not gonna type it lol

 also neither one of them were virgins kira lost hers to jake and embry lost his to his first girlfriend...... 

1989 it out omg time to go listen

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