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jake dumps her for bella who doesnt like her

kira and embry get together 

kira makes clothes for a bunch of ppl

kira styles ppl

kira and leah become super close

they party and do fun stuff all summer

embry and kira dont talk for most of the summer

they sleep together at the end of bdp2

kira and bella become friends 

club songs

good girl go bad?

pussycat dolls?

jlo? (jenny from the block)


like a g6

rory rides jacob to protect the demon baby during the battle

kira makes new friends on the first day

kira gets into nyu for fashion

breaking dawn will prob have short chapters

bella and kira make fun of jake together

mae will call kira auntie k and will go to the fabric store with her and help her with design.

kira teaches mae how to not let men change things about her and just be her self

kira is gonna sell her clothes and maybe start a website (an online store) for her clothes to get some cash.

alice buys some of her work bc she knows shes gonna be big

embry and kira breakup when she goes to nyu but still talk everyday but get back together when she moves to seattle?

kira makes her own prom and hoco dress 

embry will leave the pack and follow kira anywhere 

to my readers who read this after this book is done welcome to my brain lol.

i hope you enjoy my ideas for this book

i hope you enjoy my ideas for this book

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