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the new borns 

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the new borns 

it was early when kira was woken up by embry to get ready for the battle. kira got dresses and picked out her wepons she put her katana belt on and grabbed her cross bow and arrows and got ready to meet the others. "is that really what your wearing to the battle" paul asked 

"yes because if i might die im gonna do it looking hot" kira said rolling her eyes making the wolf look at her in concern "im kidding i get hot when my kitsune comes out i was gonna wear a skirt but i knew you'd have a problem so cargo's it was plus i have daggers in my pockets" kira said with a smile. 

"what ever lets go" sam said before he kisses emily goodbye and they all left leaving the emprints behind, well all but kira she went with the boys and leah. kira rode embry to the battle field, kira stood with the cullens  while the wolfs hid and they waited for the new borns to come.

soon the ground began to vibrate indicating that the new borns were close. once the first one broke through the trees kira called to her kitsune and pulled her cross bow out and began shooting flaming arrows and the new borns who were charging at them. she shot a dozen before she ran out of arrows thats when the cullens and the wolves charged. she pulled her katana belt off and climbed apon embry and went into the center of the battle and hopped off and began cutting off heads of new borns and throwing flaming daggers at new borns. soon all the new borns were dead. the cullens dragged the bodies of the new borns into a pile that was on fire. bella, edward and seth came down the mountain "how long?" edward asked 

" not long the wolves and kira are gonna have to go the volturi arent gonna honor out deal with them." carlise said  when everyone went to turn and leave a new born cam out the woods and jumped leah and jake ran over and ripped him off and got crushed in the process, leah soon regained her self and ripped his head off before he did any more damage to jake. kira was climbing on embry when it happened. once she was on embry ran over carlise was checking him over " take him to billy's  ill be there as soon as a can." he said and with that the boys picked jake up and the group ran into the woods heading to the rez.

welp that was eclipse 

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welp that was eclipse 

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