And I knew how you took your coffee
And your favorite songs by heart
I read all of your self-help books
So you'd think that I was smart
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave
You found someone mo...
same outfit from last chapter i couldnt find it lol
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the yorkies and the calls arrived at the same time, they all got there right on time for there reservation and was sat right away. after they ordered thats when everyone started asking questions. " so embry are you gonna treat her better then jacob" glenn her dad asked
" i will most defantanly treat her better then jake did. jake and i argued alot about the way he treated kira it ruined our friendship. it was like one day he just stopped caring and dropped her and i made sure i was there to catch her." embry replied
" wow i like him"christina whispered to glenn
"so kira tell me about you i've heard a lot about you from quill and my embry here but i wanna hear it from you." embrys mother said
"um well im Koren . i have an interest in martial arts i take sword classes. it makes me feel more in touch with my ancestors, i love clothes and fashion. i refuse to dress like others around me i'd rather stand out then blend it." kira said
"oh wow thats cool do you have any swords?" she asked
" yes my grandmother gave me a katana its been in our family for many generations." kira said as the waiter brought the food out.
"so eric have you finished sending your graduation invites?" embry asked
"uh yea i kira had to help me but i got them out in time i cant wait to be done with high school. me and angie are going to the university of seattle we got our dorm assignments yesterday and my dorm is so close to the building." eric answered
"wow your graduating thats great kira your a jounor this year right? have you thought of colleges yet?"embrys mom asked
"i was thinking about north western or nyu for there fashion program or go to F.I.T" kira answered
"oh your thinking of doing fashion thats nice have you ever made any clothes?" embrys mom asked
" yea ive made dresses and pants and im working on my prom dress and im finishing up my friends graduation dress i just got to sew on a zipper and its done." kira answered
" oh wow thats good your building your portfolio early." she asked
"yes ive kept all my sketches with fabric scraps and pictures of my finished product." kira answered
"thats really smart and good thing you have friends that will let you make clothes for them have you thought about styling people as well so you can have that under your belt?" his mom asked
" no i never thought of that ill ask a bunch of diffrent people if i could style them and buy clothes for them." kira said
dinner went well and everyone got to know everyone.
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its short in but its just a filler graduation is next