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"mr perfectly fine"

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"mr perfectly fine"

"good morning family" kira said as she walked into the kitchen
" for someone who just got dumped you look hot" kira's mom christina said
"thanks mom" kira said with a smile
" here honey its a garden salad with chickpeas and zucchini chips on the side." glen kiras father says and he hands her lunch.
"thanks dad. come on eric i wanna talk to angie before class" kira said walking to the door with her brother in toe
when the two pulled up to school they both got out the car and walked over to there friends " woah look and little kira you look hot what seeing that boy toy of yours after school?" jessica asked
" no jess we broke up and he has his head to far up bellas ass to even notice what i looked like anyway." kira replied " wait what? you guys broke up because of bella!" jessica exclaimed
" well yes and no. he has a thing for bella and he hasnt even tried to hide it. i was over it and went to dump him but he rudely cut me off and did it before me but all well." kira said. but before anyone could reply bella walked up to the group. " where for are thou bella?" mike said " shes not gonna do your R and J essay mike you had all summer to do it." eric said pushing his friend in a joking way. " hey guys do you mind if i take a pic of you guys my mom wants me to make a scrapbook of senior year?" bella asked holding up a camera " yea sure" everyone but kira and angela " i take them im not in them" angela said " i just dont wanna be in it" kira said but before they could walk away eric pulled them in " they wont be looking at you guys so it doesn't matter." he said and they all posed but kira stuck her middle finger up towards the camera. nobody thought anything of it since it was a very kira thing to do but eric knew she was flipping bella off and it wasnt for the picture. " oh look theres cullen" mike said a little bit after the flash went off. bella walked away to go meet up with edward but a familar black truck pulled into the parking lot with a long haired russet boy inside " oh you got to be shitting me." kira said rolling her eyes. she watched as he climbed out of the truck with something in hand and walked over to bella and edward. a dream catcher he gave her a dream catcher something he once gave her and bought another and gave it to her. " did he just?" angela asked knowing he once gave her one " give her a dream catcher yes yes he did i mean my body isnt even cold yet but if he wants boring in stead of one of a kind me then hell be my guest." kira replied if looks could kill jacob black would be dead not only from the look kira was giving him but also from her brother if the boy wasnt bigger then eric he would have more then definitely would have kicked the boys ass.

a/n: double update i think yes

a/n: double update i think yes

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