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same outfit as last chapter

same outfit as last chapter

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petty arguments

"hey its okay nobody's gonna hurt you" embry said walking towards the girl
"im sorry i got overwhelmed." she said putting her knives away " hi im kira and sorry about that." she said stepping forward
only for emily to come over and hug the girl "you'll always be safe here honey" sge said with a smule on her face
" thank you" kira said smiling
" hey we gotta go we'll be back stay here with em okay." embry said and kira nodded the boys all got up and walked out the door but not before sam kissed emily on the cheek.
" so what are you making?" kira asked as she say down
" muffins these boys can eat. i try and make stuff in bulk and that has a lot of carbs." she said as she mixed more batter
" if you want i could help you cook sometime i can teach you how to make korean food." kira said
" yea? id like that. it'll be nice to have another girl around here, im surrounded by boys." emily scoffed
" yea i get it i only have 1 brother and thats more then enough plus i use to hang with jake and his friends." kira replied
" yea what ever happened with that?" emily asked
" oh he dumped me because he thought he had a shot with bella swan but its what ever. im over that now" kira said rolling her eyes at the thought of jacob black
"wow" is all emily could say
"hey can i see your knives?" emily asked after she took out one batch and put a new one in
" yea totally be careful. my aunt got them for me for my birthday she got them custom made." kira said as she pulled them out and handed them over
" wow there so pretty and light." emily complimented
" yea there ment for throwing." kira beemed she liked talking about her interest
" do you have any others?" emily asked
" yea totally i have a katana, throwing stars and others my grandmother says once i get a handle of my kitsune i get to make a tale which is like a part of my soul or something i cant wait im gonna make them black." kira said not thinking
" so thats what you are a kitsune?" emily asked handing back kira's knives
"shit i wasnt supposed to say that em you cant tell anybody please." kira begged
" honey i would never tell your secret" emily said as she got up and took the muffins out the oven on to the cooling rack and took the cools muffins out of the pan and into a bowl.
before kira could respond they heard a truck pull up. both girls looked at each of confused untill the boys did there calling sign. jarred and quill walked into the house leaving the door open for one more person. emily grabbed the bowl of fresh muffins and offered it to the boys " hey safe some for your brothers and ladies first" offering one to kira, when she took it emily looked up and saw bella swan stang in her doorway " whoes this?" she asked acting as if sue didn't already know
" bella swan who else." jarred bellowed
" muffin?" emily asked
bella nodded and took one and went and sat on the steps
" i think i should go back and check on jake." bella said which make the boys chuckle and kira to roll her eyes.
kira soon zoned out the rest of the conversation she sat at the table playing with one of her knives,untill sam and paul walked in.she looked up when jacob walked in "whats she doing here?" jake asked with an attitude
" she has a right to be here and you know it unlike bella" embry said standing up sending his chair slamming into the wall
" you know what in getting tired of your attitude towards bella she hasnt done anything to you!" jake yelled
" no buy you basically cheated on your girlfriend with her then after you dumped her you rubbed it in her face!" embry yelled back
" why is it any of your business!" jake yelled back
but before embry could respond kira stood up and threw her knive into the door jam by jacobs head. " enough" she said with her eyes burning orange.

 " enough" she said with her eyes burning orange

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