intro ♡

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Maybe we could exchange a little conversation, yeah
Call me, girl, anytime
Don't need no call-ID
'Cause I won't have anybody interrupting our call
Talk dirty to me, baby, without talking at all
You got me singing, baby

Oh ah oh ah
Oh la la la la
Oh ah oh ah
Speaking in tongues, babe, with you"


"So what do you think about that?"  I grinned widely as I came out of the studio. She sat there for a moment, either pondering on what to say or just to annoy me.

"It's okay." My grin dropped.

"Excuse me ?"

"I'm just kidding, it's amazing and you know it. I don't know why you bothered to ask me." I rolled my eyes as I saddled her lap. I wrapped one arm around her neck while my free hand brushed her hair back.

"Because your opinion is all that matters to me babe." I whispered against her lips. We kissed slowly for a brief moment until we were interrupted by my loud ass sister. I was kind of glad she came in, the kiss was not giving.

"Uh uh! I know yall aint up in hea fucking & sucking." I rolled my eyes as I got off of my girlfriend.

"India, why are you always so damn loud? They didn't ever teach you to use your inside voice in school?" She smacked her lips.

"Girl fuck them white folks and they "inside voices" What yall niggas in here doing?" My girlfriend & I chuckled.

My sister was definitely a character. She was loud, crazy, and she talked a wholeeeeee lot of shit. One thing about her though, she can always back it up and she is a total sweetheart... IF she likes you.

Anyways, I guess I should introduce myself.

Hey, my name is Ivy Elanor Wright. My grandmother's name was Elanor, hence my middle name. She passed when I was 16. She was my whole world, she practically raised me to be the talented young woman I am today. I miss her everyday, she was my heart. I turn 25 soon and I plan to turn all the way up for it. I have one brother, Jaheim, that I go visit just about every weekend in prison. He's there for basically being black and driving a nice car through a white neighborhood. Yall know how 12 does us black folks, we can't ever be great. I guess I'm glad he's there and not in a grave but still, he shouldn't be there.

Anyways, yall met my loud ass sister, India. I love her so much, she's definitely been my rock. She is adopted but me and Nana never liked to say that. She is my sister and will always be. Her mother was a junkie and a prostitute, poor girl was born a crack baby, that's where all her energy comes from. We don't judge her nor does it bother us because it's not her fault, she really can't help it. She is a joy to be around and she makes light of any situation. Since Nana died, we became even closer. Her and my brother bump heads but that's just how they get along I guess, they do love each other though.

Yall won't hear me talk about my sorry ass father or my narcissistic mother very much because fuck the both of them to be honest. My father drinks a lot and he likes to beat on my mama. I tried so many times to save her dumb ass but she always blamed me for the reason he beats her. She never taught me shit, that's how my granny ended up with me. That's enough about them, that's all the fame they get.

Last person is my girlfriend. Her name is Jada, & no, not Pinkett-Smith. Shit, I wish. Anyways, she & I have been together for some time but our love is fading. I feel like now it's only based on sex which is also lacking. She just don't have it like she used to anymore. A lot of times I find myself having to finish what she started. She's also very toxic, she doesn't care for my feelings like she used to in the beginning. Ever since we got together, she's just slowly changed over time. I've been working up the nerve to drop her but I'm not sure how that will go. She doesn't exactly like "No" or rejection.

I would like someone new in my life, I've been with Jada for three years now & I'm getting bored of it. Not to brag but quite a few females and males come up to me. I'm loyal as fuck so I always turn them down even though I don't want to. I love Jada but our relationship is just getting old and worn out.

Anywho, I hope yall enjoy my life's story. It's gone get wild so yall be ready.


hey hey! hope yall will enjoy this one 🤍

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