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° well, well, well... look who decided to come back 🌚  not too much on me though ✋🏽

°I've been seeing the comments and likes that this story is still getting so I decided to write another chapter. Don't get too excited though, I'm still not sure if I want to continue writing. I guess that depends on whoever reads this story. 🙃

°anywhore, here's a sweet lil chapter for yall. 🤸🏾‍♀️

"Amari?" Ivy called out as she knocked on the bedroom door. Amari stirred from her slumber and glanced at the clock. The time read 12:35am.

"Yes?" She responded softly.

"Can I lay with you? The thunder is scaring me a bit." Ivy mumbled.

"Why not sleep with your sister?" Ivy groaned.

"Because she sleeps like a wild animal. We also need to talk, if that's okay." Amari sighed, she wasn't really in the mood to talk. She was still pissed at Ivy but that didn't stop her heart from disobeying her mind. She pulled back the covers and patted the spot next to her on the bed.

"Come on." She said shortly just before laying back down with her back facing Ivy. Ivy laid in the bed, suffering through the awkward silence.

"Amari?" She called out again. Amari sighed heavily with a groan.

"Yes...Ivy." She was now annoyed.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Is that it?"


"You sure?"


Amari lifted her body and positioned herself in front of Ivy, she always kept the light on in the bathroom just to see her way around in the middle of the night. The light shined on Ivy's beautiful face. She wanted so badly to stay mad at Ivy but everytime she saw her, she folded. It was just something about the girl that made Amari's heart flutter and her breath short.

"What is it now?" Ivy fiddled with her fingers. She was nervous, she didn't think Amari would hear her out.

"I'm sorry for everything I've said and done. I was acting worse than a child, I was a bitch to you. You don't deserve that, you've done everything for us. The least I can do is be grateful for it. I don't say this to use as an excuse but more of a confession. I love you too, I just got scared. Last time I loved someone, she broke me. I was afraid that you'd do the same, especially since I'm younger than you. But if you care enough to give me just one more chance, I promise I will do better. I'd love to get to know you more and have something special. I truly am sorry, for everything Amari." Ivy poured her little heart out as she stared into the brown eyes staring back at her.

Amari didn't have to say a word as her eyes spoke for her. She knew Ivy was being truthful with every word she confessed to her. She also knew that it took a lot for Ivy to be vulnerable as she hated to be seen as weak for showing emotions. Amari smiled as she placed a soft kiss on Ivy's forehead.

"I've already forgiven you. I appreciate & accept the apology." She whispered softly as she placed another kiss on the collar bone of Ivy.

"But-" Amari gripped Ivy's neck firmly.

"Don't let it happen again, got it?" Ivy bit her lip as she squeezed her thighs together.

"Mmm... got it." She moaned softly.

"Good girl..." Amari whispered as her soft kisses lingered in each spot she left them in. Ivy wore an oversized white shirt with nothing underneath. One might say she planned this.

"So you just knew I was going to forgive you?" Amari smirked as her hands went under the girls shirt. Ivy moaned softly biting her lip to hide her smirk.

"I hoped so. It'd be a shame to let all of this go to waste, right?" Ivy slowly lifted the shirt over her head revealing her perfect, smooth, mocha colored naked body. She took this as an opportunity to push Amari back and climb on top of her.

"I've got a lot of making up to do, I know. How bout I start here?" She kissed Amari's forehead.

"Then here." A kissed was placed on the left cheek.

"And here." And the right.

"Can't forget here." The kiss was placed on Amari's lips. It was deep, aggressive but sweet. Ivy continued to place soft kisses all over Amari's body, making her smile. She made her way down to her desired location, Amari's sweetspot. She gently pushed Amari's legs apart and pushed her knees up. She placed each leg on each shoulder.

"Alexa, play "Could This Be Love" by Janet Jackson." Once the music began, Ivy didn't have to say a word. Her eyes did all the talking as she stared at Amari.

"Take your time baby." Amari whispered softly while running her fingers through Ivy's short haircut.

and the rest of the night was history...

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