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It's been a two months and things are smooth sailing. Ivy agreed to pay more attention in class and not be on her phone. That didn't stop the random daydreaming Ivy did though. She still sat in the same seat every other day she was in the class. Her professor gave her the job of grading papers as a way to make up for what was done. Ivy had grown fond of the alone time spent with her professor in her office. She also just loved the office because it was super cute. So she had offered to become a teachers aid and help grade papers or do small miscellaneous things for her professor everyday after school.

 So she had offered to become a teachers aid and help grade papers or do small miscellaneous things for her professor everyday after school

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As Ivy sat in her teachers office all alone grading papers, a call came through. It was Jada.

"Hey baby!" Ivy internally groaned. She had been avoiding her now ex girlfriend after the incident.

"I am not your baby anymore... I told you we're done Jada." Ivy repeated herself for the millionth time.

"Damn, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry Ivy!" Ivy sighed heavily while rubbing her temple.

"You cheated on me and you think a "I'm sorry" is gonna fix things? Girl, fuck you and go to hell." In all truth, Ivy was glad that Jada cheated, she really wasn't mad at all. She had been thinking of reasons to break up with Jada for the longest but nothing made sense.

Anyway, what had happened was; One night, Jada went out with her sisters to a club. Jada got sloppy drunk, per usual and had a one night stand with some random chick. Ivy caught them in the bed with one another after one of Jada's sisters told her. She pretended to be pissed in that moment but when she made it back to her dorm, she damn near caught the holy ghost with her sister.

"Let me just make it up to you, please? Baby, I love you." Ivy hummed.

"And baby, I'm blocking you. Goodbye." She said dryly and hung up. She wanted to cry, not because she was hurt but because she was frustrated. Even though she broke it off with Jada, she still felt like she could never get away from the girl. Everyday Jada would call, text, or try to FaceTime Ivy. Whether it be from her own number or someone else's, Ivy always knew it was her because besides her sister, Jada was the only one she heavily communicated with that way.

"Boyfriend problems?" A familiar voice came from behind. Ivy blocked her ex and went back to grading papers.

"Ew no, I hate men. It was my ex girlfriend." Her professor laughed as she came around the desk with a bag.

"Girlfriend? Interesting..." Ivy looked up confused.

"How is that interesting?" Her professor shrugged.

"I just assumed all the guys throw themselves at you." Ivy nodded slowly in agreement.

"I mean they do, but no. They always hit me with the, "I can change your mind if you let me." Ivy's imitation of a guy caused her professor to laugh loud.

"Like no nigga, no amount of dick can make me switch sides. What's in the bag?" She asked opening it.

"Now why ask if you're just gonna open it anyway Ivy." Ivy had already opened up the wrapper on the burger.

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