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Amari finally made it to the hospital in 10 minutes. She parked her car, and quickly jumped out as she locked it and headed for the lobby. As soon as she walked in, India shouted for her.

"DR. WINTERS, OVER HERE!" Amari turned her head and shuffled in the direction of the young girl. India hugged her tightly as she cried.

"What happened sweetheart? What's going on?" She asked softly as she rubbed the girls back.

"We were at the club for her birthday. She kept drinking, I tried to stop her but she got mad at us for trying to her. She yelled at me and then left out. By the time I got to the parking lot, she had already driven off and then she... she..." India began to cry again.

As she comforted the young girl, a black female doctor came out. She had brown curly hair, small petite body, and she wore a white lab coat with a name tag hanging that exposed her lilac colored shirt and her black slacks.

 She had brown curly hair, small petite body, and she wore a white lab coat with a name tag hanging that exposed her lilac colored shirt and her black slacks

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"Family of Ivy Elanor Wright?" Her friends, Amari, and India all ran up to the lady.

"I- I'm her sister. How is she?" The doctor sighed heavily before answering.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Melinda Warner. Your sister really did a number on herself. She's got a fractured colarbone, broken nose, left leg is sprained, her right shoulder is shattered, her left eye is swollen shut and a few scratches on her face. Her brain also had some swelling from the impact of the airbag."

"Oh my God..." Amari whispered as she fought her tears. She held the sobbing sister as the doctor continued to speak.

"I hate to say this but... I have absolutely no idea if she will make it. We put her in a coma to let her body rest and try to heal itself but if it doesn't..."

"Stop, just stop. Don't say anything else." India mumbled throwing her hand up as she walked to the bathroom.

"Can we see her?" Amari asked softly.

"Are you a relative?" Amari sighed as she looked away.

"No... Just a friend of the family." The doctor sighed as she looked around before stepping closer to the woman.

"Just promise me you won't make a fuss?" Amari looked at the doctor with a smile as she nodded her head.

"She's in room 223." Amari shook the ladys hand as she headed to the bathroom.

"A word of caution..." The doctor called out. Amari turned around.


"She may not look the way you all remember her." With that, the doctor disappeared behind the double doors.

Amari stood frozen in her spot. She pushed her thoughts aside and went to check on India.

"India,  sweetheart? How're you feeling?" She asked as she knocked on the family restroom door. India didn't respond which made her worry.

"India? Are you okay in there?" Amari called out as she knocked again.

Still no response.

"India, answer me babygirl, are you okay?" She began to think the worst until the door opened.

She exhaled once she saw the young girl before her eyes. She appeared drained and exhausted.

"You've been here for hours, let me take you home?" India shook her head.

"No, what if something happens and I'm not here? What if she calls for me and I'm gone? I can't leave, I have to stay. She's my everything, she's all I have, I can't lose her Dr. Winters, I- I c-can't I-" She began to have a panic attack as she fell to the ground holding her chest.

"Okay, Okay, calm down. Breathe, breathe baby, breathe." She held onto her as she tried to help regulate the girls breathing." She guided the girl to the chairs in the quiet empty waiting room and sat down. She rubbed her back and hummed a light tune as the young girl began to calm down.

"The doctor said we can go in the room-" India stood up straight.

"Let's go! What room?!" Amari remained seated.

"Sit down and listen." India appeared puzzled but sat down.

"The doctor said... she may not look the way we remember her. So are you sure you want to go in?" India sat in silence and she thought to herself.

"She's my sister, I have to be there for her. No matter what. She would go in if it were me." Amari nodded as she held the girls hand.

"Well... let's go then."

Amari stood up holding her hand for India to hold. She gave the young girl's hand a light squeeze as the two began to follow the nurse into ICU. Amari feared the sight that would soon be before her. Even though she was scared out of her mind, she had to be strong for both girls. What good is she if she's a wreck right along with India?

It was in this moment that Amari realized...

- Oops, I've suddenly forgotten how to write 😃

-If yall could like, comment, and share... that may help refresh my memory a bit 🤏🏾🙂

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