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It was party time for Ivy! She pushed away her feelings and began to get ready. She pondered on two outfits to wear. She wanted something that was sexy but also comfortable but also giving very much she finna be outsideeeee. After ten minutes of searching, she found the perfect outfit.

"This, this is it!!!" She squealed as she ran to the bathroom.

------The two sisters along with their friends finally made it to their destination

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The two sisters along with their friends finally made it to their destination. They walked in the club, paid then headed to the bar. Two hours in and Ivy was well over the alcohol limit.

"Ivy, don't you think you're drinking just a bit too much?" Her sister asked with concern as she took away her sisters fifth bottle of alcohol.

"N- no. I- I am fi- ff- fine Indian." Ivy stammered as she tried to get up. India shook her head at her sister. She partly understood because her sister had just received some heartbreaking news and had been depressed but then again, Ivy knew better than to get this drunk.

"Yeah, it's time to go home now." India tried to pick her sister up but Ivy felt like fighting her.

"No! G-get off me. I'm fine." Ivy stumbled to the ground once again. This time, a few male friends of theirs tried to help Ivy up. She continued to fight them and stand on her own but each time, she hit the ground.

"Ivy let us help you girl!" India shouted over the music.

"Get off of me, I told you I'm fine. I don't need your fucking help all the time India! All you do is get in my way, leave me the fuck alone!!" She shouted angry drunken words at her sister. She managed to stumble to the door and outside into the cool night alone. Her sister stood in her spot with tears threatening her eyes. She knew her sister didn't mean it but it still hurt her feelings. Pushing her feelings aside, she ran after her sister.


In the distance, she could hear tires screeching and then a loud bang...

"Oh no. No, no, no, NOOOO, NOOO!! IVY NO-" She began to run as fast as she could down the street.

What she saw before her eyes would change her life forever.


"Dispatch we have an 11-80. Driver is a 26 year old African American female. Driver appeared to be going west bound, swerved off road and hit a tree."

"IVY!!!!!" India's voice faded in and out of her sisters ears.

"IVY NOOOOO! IVY WAKE UP, PLEASE!" She could hear her sister screaming and sobbing.

Her body was cold, limp, lifeless...

But somehow her mind was awake and active.

"Ivy please wake up... Please... I need you to wake up please." Ivy cried as she held her sisters lifeless body.

Blood rushed from her sisters head, left arm and right leg. Scratches were all over her face from the airbag and her nose bled something serious.

"Man, step back so we can help her." India fought the paramedics until her bestfriend pulled her away. India held onto her friend tightly as she sobbed heavily. She watched as the team performed cpr as much as they could. She watches as they lifted her sister onto the gurney and rolled her into the ambulance.

"Let's follow them, let's go!" India shouted as she ran to the first car she saw. She and her friend hopped into the vehicle and sped behind the ambulance.

"God, please don't take my sister away from me. She didn't mean to do it. God please." India whispered to herself.

On the other side of the city, Amari laid in her bed eating ice cream and drinking juice. She had been stressed about the whole situation with Ivy. As she watched TV, she contemplated on whether she should tell Ivy she was pregnant but she lost it. Then she thought to herself that she maybe should've said that in the first place before letting the girl think she was pregnant still. As she began to get lost in her thoughts, the news flashed on.

"Tonight we have reports of a major car accident just on the east side of town near Maxie and Fuller street."

"People need to learn how to drive correctly." The lady mumbled to herself as she got up to go to the bathroom. She left her door open to listen to the TV.

"It is said to be a 26 year old, African American female. Police say she was heading west when she swerved and hit a tree. The rest is unknown at this time." Amari thought to herself.

"That's near Ivy's area... I hope she's okay." She washed her hands and laid back in bed. While watching her favorite show, she drifted into a light sleep.

Half an hour went by when the older woman's phone began to ring. She stirred from her slumber and grabbed her phone off the night stand.

"Hello?" She answered in a groggy tone.

"I- she- the car- driving..." The other voice on the phone stuttered.

"Whoa, whoa- slow down. Talk to me India." Amari was now sitting up in her bed as she tried to make out the words of the broken girl.

"Ivy, it's Ivy. She was drunk and she ran off and she got in the car. You have to come to the hospital quickly, I don't know anyone else to call." India cried.

"Okay, okay. I'm on my way, which hospital are you at?" As Amari took mental notes, she quickly threw on some sweatpants, t-shirt, and a hoodie. She grabbed her keys and her purse then bolted to her car. She did 90 the whole 20 mins, not missing a beat.

"God, please let her be okay." She mumbled to herself fighting her tears.

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