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There were 5 rows of desks with 5 desks in each row. Ivy sat in the middle row, first desk. She couldn't focus on anything the lady was teaching. It also didn't help that the class was 2 hours long. The two kept making eye contact but with Dr. Winters, it wasn't brief. She'd talk and stare directly into Ivy's eyes as she spoke. Ivy definitely felt as if she did it on purpose. Ivy sulked down in her seat after making eye contact with her beautiful professor once more.

She thought to herself,

-why the fuck did I sit in the very front? This lady is so fine, I can't handle it...

She began to shake her right leg, she kept checking the time on her Apple watch, time was going so slow. It was only 9:15.

"10:45, where are you???" She whispered to herself.

As class went on, Ivy found herself lost in her thoughts until she received a text from her sister.

~ 4 Liferr 🥰🤍: How's it going in Ms. Fine ass class?

Ivy: Girl I'm struggling in this bitch! She keeps making eye contact with me and holding that shit while she talks. I'm sure I need a change of underwear.

~ 4 Liferr 🥰🤍: Not she got you drenched already, lmaooo. Keep it together sis, I'll catch you later. I love you always til the end of time 🤍

Ivy smiled at the text. Her and her sister always made sure to tell one another they loved each other. Something India's mom never did was tell her that she loved her daughter. Ivy was about to respond when she heard someone clearing their throat. To her surprise, all eyes were on her.

"Ms. Wright, in the brain, what part controls short and long term memory?" Ivy opened her mouth then closed it.

"I... umm. I don't know." Dr. Winters hummed.

"Mmmm, well if you weren't texting on your phone then you'd know that Isabella said it's the hippocampus. See me after class?" She asked but sounded more like a demand.

Ivy sulked in her seat once more as she thought to herself,

-fucking embarrassing... and on the first damn day too!

She sent a quick text to her sister while her professor wasn't looking to let her know she'd be a little late to get food.

~ 4 Liferr 🥰🤍: Ouuuu, she finna lay you across that desk sis! 👀👅💦

Ivy struggled to hide her giggle but did so as to not get caught again. She responded quickly then locked her phone and listened for the remainder of class.


Class was finally over and Ivy couldn't wait to leave. She quickly gathered all her things and tried to leave before being spotted but failed.

"Now I know damn well you're not about to walk out of this room after I said to stay." Her voice was dark and cold, a lot deeper than what it was before class started. Ivy internally groaned as she slowly turned around.

"Oh come on, we're in college! This isn't high-school Dr. Winters." Ivy snapped. The older woman stopped what she was doing, took her glasses off and slowly lifted her head. She raised her left eyebrow and cocked her head to the side.

"Not sure who you think you're talking to, but I'll definitely show you who you aren't." For some reason that didn't phase Ivy, if anything, it secretly turned her on.

"Ouuu, we making threats now? On the first day too? Wow, you're bold lady." Ivy taunted. Her professor shook her head as she chuckled then stood up. She walked around her desk towards her student. Before Ivy knew it, her back was up against the wall. It didn't help that the classroom had only one window which was across the classroom and the blinds were closed so Ivy had no witnesses.

"Watch your mouth sweetheart, you've got the right one." Ivy was internally screaming at just how close her professor was and how low her voice was. The older woman towered over the young lady with her arms crossed.

Ivy swallowed as she thought to herself,

- she smells so fucking good bro...I cannot handle this, I'm finna drop the class at this point.

"And if I don't?" Dr. Winters smirked. She looked her student up and down while she bit her lip. She stepped a little closer and leaned into the right side of her student's neck. Ivy's heart began to race, it nearly pumped out of her chest. Her professor trailed one hand down the side of her body and tugged on her shorts. Ivy was frozen, she wanted to react but she also wanted this to keep going.

"Then I'm just gonna have to discipline you..." She whispered sensually.

The older woman leaned in and kissed her student. The kiss caught Ivy off guard but it didn't take her long to accept it. The other woman's tongue asked for entrance and the student allowed. A moan escaped from Ivy's lips as the kiss became heavier. The woman slipped her hands down into Ivy's shorts, causing a moan to escape the young lady's mouth. A light chuckle was sent in between the kiss.

"Look at me Ivy." Her professor whispered in her ear sensually. Ivy looked up at the older woman, lust poured from her eyes into her senior.

"Ivy? Ivy do you hear me talking to you?" Her professor exclaimed. Ivy jumped out of her thoughts and looked at her professor.

"I am so sorry, what'd you say?" Ivy asked in shame. Her professor sighed and shook her head as she held the door open.

"Nothing Ivy, next time keep your phone up please?" Ivy felt bad and wanted to stay.

"Okay wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry for my attitude and my short attention span. I- let me make out with you- shit, up to you. Let me... make it up to you is what I... meant." Her professor chuckled at her students slip up.

"You're so cute, I appreciate the apology. I'll think of a way that we can make out... I mean, that you can make it up to me later." She winked.

-- another chapter coming right after this one!

-- thank yall for the support, I have a feeling this book is gonna be the one! 🤍

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