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The way she was gentle yet dominant over her and her body, the way she held her and gripped in certain places. The way she would build her up just to stop and start over. The way she talked sensually but so dirty at the same time. The way she listened but did her own thing and never stopped for a split second. All of these things Ivy had never experienced especially with her ex. She felt a fire awaken in her and it was dying to be put out. It was as if the fire was rushing through her veins. She felt like a virgin and it was her first time again but this time was way better. Ivy cursed herself everytime she stared at her professor for too long which allowed the raunchy thoughts to cloud her mind again.

But Ivy was depressed. The two had formed a semi secret relationship. They'd go out to eat with one another, Ivy spent more time over Amari's house because she hated the dorm. They got to know one another a lot more and became close. They both related to one another in certain situations as well.

Dr. Winters was well aware of the struggle her student was going through. She was going through the same situation. She never thought in a million years that she'd allow some youngster in her sacred spot. She too had flashbacks of that first day and all the nights they spent together; but she was able to distract herself... at least until she got home. She had been avoiding her student though, for three weeks. Not because she regrets their actions but because she's afraid of telling her temporary lover the secret she's been holding in...


It was Friday, Ivy's favorite day of the week and also, her birthday. She was turning 26 and she planned to live the whole weekend up. As she hummed to the music coming through her Alexa, she texted her bestie.


~ 4 Liferr 🥰🤍: AND I DO KNOW IT! We definitely need to hit liquor store after class. Chelsea got us an Air BNB btw !

~Me: Oh shit fr? she didn't tell me that!!!! Also, I already got some drank hidden in my dorm room. Meet ya at the Pizza Palace after class.

With that, she tossed her phone on the bed and headed to her closet to find an outfit. She had been pretty depressed ever since her teacher suddenly ghosted her but she decided that this weekend would be fun. She did not want to sit in her pity anymore. She planned to live her best life and party to her hearts content.

"Alexa, play....Goodmorning Gorgeous by Mary J. Blige"

"Playing, Goodmorning Gorgeous by Mary J. Blige on Apple Music." Her virtual companion responded back to her.

As she looked through her closet, she sang along with Mary. Shirts were thrown left and right, shoes as well. Finally she just settled on something casual since she'd be barely dressed at her party anyway.

 Finally she just settled on something casual since she'd be barely dressed at her party anyway

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She pulled out a white, spaghetti strapped tank top and some low waist jeans. She had gotten her hair done the day before and had it up in flexi rods under her bonnet. She glances at the time on her phone, it was 8:35.

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