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After going home, Amari silently headed to her bedroom and closed the door. She slid down the wall slowly as tears flowed through.

This all had taken a toll on Amari. In the first time since the accident, Amari finally broke down. She placed her head in her hands and began to sob.

Amari cried her heart out, she blamed herself for all of this. Had she just been honest, none of this would've happened. It was all her fault.

She spoke to God...

"This is all my fault! If I had never lied to her and treated her bad then she wouldn't even be here right now. She would've never drank that much nor would she have gotten into that car. I broke her, I literally broke her. This is all my fault." She cried harder.

"No, it wasn't your fault." India said as she walked in the room. She had been listening from behind the door.

"Truth is, Ivy had a drinking problem before. She used to get drunk all the time after the incident with her parents. She'd run off to God knows where. Me and nana were always up late at night worried about her and where she was. This is nothing new to me. It's just been a long time since it's happened."

One Year later...

It's been a year since the accident happened to Ivy. The doctor was indeed correct though, Ivy had begun to get just about all of her memory back. It happened after India and Amari left the night she woke up. She had remained in the hospital another two days just to be monitored so she had time to force her brain to remember things. When she did, she would write down everything she remembered and would ask India or Amari if that was right. She was also able to walk again on her own. She was pretty much back to herself now, which meant, she was still upset with Amari even when Amari explained the whole story to her.

"Okay, Ivy I'm heading out. Do you need anything?" Ivy shook her head slowly.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Amari walked up to the bed.

"You said you loved me." Ivy mumbled.

"No, I said I'm heading out and did you need-"

"When I was still in the coma. You said, "I still love you sweetheart, always did and one day I'll tell you when you wake up" then you kissed my forehead Amari. I know what I heard."

"Oh... I didn't think you heard that."

"The doctor said people in comas can hear everything you say, they just can't respond."

"I know, you told us everything else you heard but you never mentioned that so I figured you didn't hear it."

"I just wanted to get you alone to tell you. Do you really love me or was that just your guilt talking?"

"Don't do that Ivy..." Amari warned.

"Well, after everything you did, it makes sense to ask."

"Okay, I'm not doing this."

"So you're just gonna run away? Typical. If I don't remember anything else, I definitely remember how you would always run away from your problems."

"Clearly, it seems as though your brain is still healing so I'll let that slide." Amari was now getting upset.

"My brain is just fine, it's my heart that's having trouble because we don't believe you."

"Hey Ivy, I got some of your favorite ice crea- Oh, my bad... yall ight?"

"Yes India, Amari was just leaving." Ivy spoke dryly while staring at the woman.

While Amari worked, the two sisters were in her home alone. The two were laid across one another on the couch as they watched a movie. An hour later, Amari arrived.

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