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She was in a coma for two months. No one expected her to wake up any time soon. Amari kept visiting her every single day, even spent the night when she could. India fell into a deep depression, she tried to kill herself three times. Eventually, she moved in with Amari so that she could be properly taken care of. The two formed a bond and got a long well. Amari explained everything to India in hopes that she'd understand and she did. The sister's brother, Jaheim, had been killed in prison by another inmate. India feared how she'd tell Ivy, if she ever woke up. India felt like her world was coming down on her. All she ever known was trouble and badluck growing up until she was adopted. Ivy was the only person she ever cared about the most and to see her suffering tore her apart; she felt helpless.

She kept praying and hoping that her big sister would wake up. One day, the pair went into the room to see Ivy for the last time that night. India cried on her sisters bed while Amari rubbed her back.

"Ivy please... please wake up. It's been two months!" India pleaded and cried. Her light sniffles could be heard, she felt as though she had ran out of tears. She held her unresponsive sisters hand as she prayed hard in silence.

"It's getting late India, we should head home baby." Amari said in a gentle tone. India nodded silently as she stood up wiping her tears. She kissed her sisters forehead, grabbed Amari's keys and walked out to go get in the car.

Amari stood over the girl, taking in all her features. On the outside, she had healed properly, it's just the inside that needed to catch up. She sighed as she leaned over the girl.

"I still love you sweetheart, always did and one day I'll tell you when you wake up." Amari whispered before planting a soft kiss on her lovers forehead as well.

She had finally realized that she was in love with Ivy and had always been. I mean, it was obvious at this point. The way she took care of her in the room each day and night, took in her sister, paid her medical bills and handled her and India's tuition. She promised God that if he woke Ivy up, she'd tell her everything.

Amari went to walked towards the door. She gave Ivy one last look before opening the door.

"Mmm..." A sound came from behind her. She turned around quickly and looked at Ivy.


"Okay, maybe I'm tripping. I need to get some rest. it's been a long day." Amari said to herself.

"Mmm..." Amari turned around again, Ivy was still.

"Okay, I definitely heard something that time. Ivy? Are you awake? Can you hear me?" She called out. She waited a few minutes for an answer but never received one. She sighed and opened the door to leave.

"Don't... leave." A few raspy words sounded off.

Amari whipped around once again. She quickly walked up to Ivy, the two made eye contact. Words could not describe the amount of joy that exploded in her heart when she saw Ivy's eyes for the first time in a long time.

"Ivy... Hi my sweet baby." She said softly as she rubbed the girls head with a teary smile. Ivy tried to talk but couldn't.

"Wait, let me go get the nurse. I'll be right back." Ivy nodded and waited patiently in silence. A minute or two later, a nurse walked in.

"Oh my gosh! She really is awake! Hi, Ms. Wright, it's so good to see you awake. I know it may be hard for you to talk and that's because you were intubated. That means we put a tube down your trachea to help air flow through your body. You've been asleep for a good while, we were worried you wouldn't wake up." Ivy looked around the room mindlessly. It was as if her body was present but her brain wasn't.

She looked over at Amari in confusion.

"Who.... are... you?" She managed to get out in a raspy whisper tone. Amari frowned a bit as she stepped up.

"You don't remember me? I'm your professor, Dr. Winters and we-" She paused noticing the nurse was still in the room.

"What... is... a... prof-" She couldn't finish her sentence but Amari knew what she meant. She looked over at the nurse in a slight panic.

"I'm gonna give her doctor an emergency call, be right back. I'll get her some water as well." The nurse hurried out of the room to make the call. A few minutes later, India came in.

"Amari, I thought we were leave- IVY !!!!" She ran up to her sister with a wide smile.

"You're awake !!!!!!! How do you feel? Did the nurse come in? When did she wake up? Why didn't you call me? Hi Ivy, I've missed you so so so so much!!!"

As India spoke, Ivy had not one clue who this girl was. She frowned and snatched her hand away from India. India frowned as she looked at her sister.

"Ivy, what's wrong?" She tried to hold her hand again but Ivy wouldn't let her. India looked sadly to Amari for help.

"Sweetheart... I don't think she remembers who we are. She asked me who I was and I told her then she asked what was a professor. The nurse has gone out to call her doctor. Also, she woke up a few minutes after you left." India stared at her sister in disbelief.

The nurse came back with Ivy's doctor and some warm water. She handed it to Amari to give to Ivy.

"See if she'll let you give it to her." Amari bent the straw so Ivy could reach it.

"It's just water. I'm not trying to hurt you." Amari said softly.

For some reason, Amari's eyes and her soft voice felt familiar to Ivy but she just didn't know how. She listened to her gut and allowed the woman to give her the water.

"Hi doc, sorry to wake you." Amari said softly as she shook the womans hand.

"It's okay, it comes with the job. So, our girl is awake but doesn't know you, does she recognize her sister?" India sadly shook her head as she put it down. Dr. Warner rubbed India's back.

"It's okay sweetheart, if it helps any, this is typical in patients who have had head trauma. In her case, there is a strong possibility it won't last long. She's been out for a while but I'm sure her memories will slowly start to come back."

As the doctor explained everything she left them alone with Ivy.



"Will she ever remember us? Will she ever remember... me?"

Ivy stared at the two unknown women in her room, she felt a wave of sadness go over her. She didn't know why she was sad for them but she was.

-sorry I been gone so long, I got a bit insecure about the story but I'm better now!

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