Chapter 12: The Love You Needed

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"So how are you doing at school, sweetie?" Mom asked over the phone. "I am really sorry if you have to be alone for the whole 3 months"

"It's fine, Mom" I told her " is also fine like always. Have a test next week" I told her while typing on my laptop.

Today is Saturday, I am alone again in this huge mansion so what the heck am I going to do?! I am gonna bored to death here.

Jeez, my Mom left me, my best friend left and my boyfriend also me. C'mon, who else is gonna leave me?

I am still starting to heal my broken heart and being alone and bored is not something good to make me feel better.

"Yeah? I am sure you will rock that you always do" she chuckled "Anything else you like to tell me?"

I thought for a second "Nothing much, Mom"

"Are you sure?" She asked again. Like she knows my break up thing.

"Yeah, I'm sure" I lied so that her question will stop

"Then why is your tone like telling me the opposite?"

Damn Mothers. Why can't I hide something from her?

"Tell me, sweetie" she told me. Now I can't lie now in that Mother tone.

I sigh and leaned my back on my chair to get ready for a major explanation about what happened to me.

I am sure Mom is gonna load me with tons of questions.


"What?" She gasped "Jane? I have known her  since she was a little girl. How could she do that?" Like I was expected, Mom is gonna be shock to know.

"Yep, me too, Mom. That's why I am really upset when I knew that she was pregnant from Auntie" I stated. "Got more depress when I found out that it's my boyfriend's kid...Gosh, I really felt so stupid"

"Well, cara, it's their fault. You don't have to be depress about it" she said

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms "That's easy for you to say. Jane has been my best friend since we were a baby and she was able to do this to me"
I fought not to cry again, but my voice is getting softer and softer. Everytime her voice rings in my head admitting that it was true really did hit a spot on me. It stabbed my heart

"I know, I know how you feel" she said trying yo contort me. "But you have no other choice but to accept the true, my love."

Yeah, She's right. I need to accept it for me to move on.

"They are just two person...two fools in your life...but if you look at the others , you have so many people that loves you and cares for you. Who needs Frank and Jane?"

"Yeah, who needs them?" I laughed, my mood lighten up a little "I have Sam and Trixie...they are my true best friends"

"That's the spirit" she said laughing with me.

I am so glad to have a talk with Mom about it. She really helps me a lot and helps me be more comfortable.

I wish she was here. Olivia would be so happy to know that I broke up with Frank but I know she will be shock to know about Jane. Well Jane's older brother is Olivia's ex actually.

"Well it's not talking to you, cara. But I am sorry I have to go. I will call you again after my Fashion Show" she told me "Bye, I love you"

"I love you too, Mom" I murmured to here before pressing end call.

Now what am I gonna do? I need to go somewhere....any where just something that can distract me.

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