Chapter Twenty: A Date With Lucas

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Since Lucas took Mizuki with him as he wanted to spend time with his master without anyone getting in between them and since he succeeded on doing so the two are now at a park while Mizuki was looking at the park with her eyes shining.

To Lucas it's an enchanting sight to see her eyes was shining as she stare at the park at its beauty with kids playing with their parents it reminds her of her first time meeting her father for the first time.

It reminds her of the time that Muzan had saved her and when he choose to raise her it means a lot to her knowing that someone cares for her although she had lost the emotions long ago to her father its like she can be a child and enjoying the childhood that was taken away from her.

Mmm-mm, mm

To Lucas this sight seeing his master eyes shine means a lot to him it wasn't dull like when he first time saw and meet her with his brother this was new to him and being able to see it means a lot to him.


Somethingike this is rare for them to see specially when her and Kiyoko had seen each other once more her eyes become duller than it was every time Lucas woyld see Kiyoko it would remind him of what her and her parents had done now she wants to fix their relationship that was gone for a long time.

Yeah, yeah

He wonder sometimes is it worth it on what they had done to their master is it worth it to lose such a precious person like Mizuki but that is their choice not his and he will protect Mizuki even if it cause him his life and he knows that the other upper moons would do the same.


"Mizuki-Sama let's somewhere else." Lucas said as he offered his hand for Mizuki to hold with a gentle smile on his face as Mizuki stared at him and look at his hand this was something she herself wasn't expecting.

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