Mizuki Sesshomaru Kibutsuji the daughter of the demon king Muzan Kibutsuji himself and the the younger sister of a human that is known as Kiyoko Shimizu well more like half sisters she had always lived her life in the shadow of her sister Kiyoko was...
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Thrid pov:
As time had past by it's already night time Mizuki is now at the infinity fortress also known as there home the demons home as she was there she looked at Nakame "Nakame please bring my upper Moons here." Mizuki said as she needs to talk to all of them about something and needing to know if they have meet any demon slayers a hashira or not.
The sound of a biwa being strummed was heard all around the infinity fortress as the sound of the biwa faded the upper moon along with Mizuki's lower Moons were all there now "yes Mizuki-Sama?" upper moon two asked while bowing there head towards the said girl "Lev-kun, Alisa-Chan any update?" Mizuki asked as she looked at them in the eyes the two upper moon both said at the same time.
" Haiba Lev and Haiba Alisa :Upper Moon two"
"none for now Mizuki-Sama." Lev and Alisa said at the same time while still vowing not daring to look up not wanting her to be disappointed at the two of them after all both of them are the upper moon two as they both did not want to disappoint there master.
"hmm I see Raphael and Lucas any news?" Mizuki asked the two while looking at them as the two were still vowing and looking at the ground.
" Zoldyck Raphael and Zoldyck Lucas: Upper Moon one"
"well there is we had meet two demon that brat created but killed them of easily." Lucas said as he was still annoyed with the brat trying to copy the demon king and princess themselves "Ahh I see good job." Mizuki said as she patted there head she didn't need to know about Oikawa's report since she is with him in the first place "Shoyo what about you?" Mizuki asked while looking at the orange headed male.
" Hinata Shoyo :Upper Moon Three"
"there is much Mizuki-Sama but the next Tranning camp is around the corner." Hinata said as he was smiling brightly as if he was a sun his smile was real unlike Mizuki's who fake her emotion she can't even feel pain nor guilt, sympathy she can't even cry that's how she is like a doll to other people she was like that "I see well then good luck." Mizuki said while looking at the orange headed male and patting his head "what about you Giyuu?" Mizuki asked as she looked at him in the eyes his ocean emotionless eyes was staring at her plum-red emotionless once.
"Giyuu Tomioka: Upper Moon four"
"none for now as the same for me with the training camp." Giyuu said while looking at his now new master ahh yes Giyuu Tomioka the former water pillar until someone had framed them as to getting them kicked out of the organization that person was successful for there plan but it had also back fired after all they are now demon and a strong one at that.
Flash back:
Giyuu along with Tanjiro even Muichiro and Obanai were called for a hashira meeting but what shock and confused them is that Tanjiro was with them since he wasn't a hashira himself so why was he being called by there master as they kneeled down the new blossom pillar was smirking as she knew her plan had work.