Mizuki Sesshomaru Kibutsuji the daughter of the demon king Muzan Kibutsuji himself and the the younger sister of a human that is known as Kiyoko Shimizu well more like half sisters she had always lived her life in the shadow of her sister Kiyoko was...
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Thrid pov:
The battle had finally ended but the whole place was destroyed red light district was destroyed it was burning and ever building was destroyed nothing can be save nor fix at this point the whole place was something you won't be able to fix no what.
As the Demon slayers went to the place the battle was at they were all gone no where to be seen even the body of Yui and Alice were gone its as if they never existed in the first place.
Meanwhile back at the infinity fortress they knew the news will spread but no one will know who was the the one who made that they will cover it with a fire started somewhere but Yoshiwara's red light district won't be rebuild once more.
Lev and Alisa's clothing some part were burned out but it's a good thing that they were fine while they were once covered in wounds and since that they have a fast recovery all of it was heald instantly.
"bring us back Nakame-san." Mizuki said as she looked at the place the Demon slayers didn't seem to find them nor did they notice them leaving and disappearing as if they had never went there in the first place as they arrived back they saw fukurodani and inarizaki being surrounded by the upper moons.
"oh my this is a sight to see~" Oikawa said as they allowed at them as they arrived some where still covered by their own blood Alisa and Lev's clothes has holes on it and blood was covering them it shocked them while Mizuki looked at them with the same lifeless eyes.
" oh my lovely student your back~" douma said as he went to Oikawa with a big smile on his face while Akaza looked so done in life as he looked at them he is always annoyed with Douma now there is another one who is the same as his master.
"you still haven't moved on Akaza-dono~" Douma and Oikawa both asked at the same time while they look at the pink headed Demon who seems to be trying not to punch their heads of it was annoying him "ehh Akaza-san you're still not over with being called a basketball." Hinata said while looking at Akaza who looked at him.
With a creepy smile on his face as he was to annoyed to even say anything at this point the two team looked at them as they watch the way Oikawa and Douma tease Akaza" is this normal? "Akashi asked while pointing at the four who just nodded their headeds.
" most likely yes. "Mizuki said as she looked back at them then back at Oikawa and Douma" at least she didn't called you a volleyball instead~"Oikawa said with a wide smile on his face" I suggest you close your eyes. "Lucas said but being curious they didn't do what they were told.
Their with was Akaza punch the two separating their heads out of their body which scared and shocked them the most some of the blood had gotten onto Mizuki but she didn't flinch nor did she react in a way.
"this is the first time you guys didn't make to much mess." Raphael said as he looked at the seen unbotherd by the sight while the others look so shocked even shaked up but what is shocking as well is that they were able to regenerate their missing heads.
" how? "Suna asked while looking at them Bokuto and Atsumu had seen such scene before yet they will never get use to it no matter what they do no matter what they try to make themselves believe that they will forget about it soon.
" it's normal for us to be able to do something like this." Tanjiro said with a smile on his face but it was soon quite as someone had entered the room all of the upper moons were now on their knees which confuse them but Mizuki's eyes had shine as she smiled a little bit.
" it good to see you in good health papa." Mizuki said as she lowered her head a little bit as they turn around their thy see him Kibutsuji Muzan he was the spiliting image of Mizuki only in different genders.
"why is that they are here?" Muzan asked as he went to his daughter and hugged her as he kissed Mizuki's forehead making the young girl smile brighten a lot more he is glad that she is finally showing her emotions she was letting herself lose.
"well they went to the red light district and found out our secret." Mizuki said as she looked at them and Muzan followed his daughter's gaze ashe looked at the boys who was looking back at him sure they were shaken but they had to look at him "is that so." Muzan said as he let go of his daughter and was now facing them.
"keep this a secret unless you want your heads rolling off the ground." Muzan said as his eyes glowed as the just nodded their headed afraid to speak not wanting to get their heads decapitated.
Osamu's pov:
I looked at them as they stared back at as their eyes were glowing they have a strong aura and they are demons I thought they were nothing but myths but they were true demons were true and I didn't even wanna believe it but seeing them now how can I not.
"Sumu how long did you know about this?" I thought to myself as I poked at my twin his reaction was as if he had seen this scene before when did you found out did you get attack by one yet no matter how many questions I have I know I won't be able to answer it knowing that only Mizuki-Chan can do it.
"keep this a secret we do not want any other people getting involved in this." Mizuki-Chan said as she looked at us her once glowing plum red eyes were now back to normal as she looked at us she was holding my hand I can't stop but feel myself blush I wonder why I'm not as close to her as her upper moons are so what she calls them.
Nor am I like Atsumu and Bokuto they seem to be this close while I'm a stranger to her and she is to me but I can't help but find her beautiful I wonder will I still have a change to see and talk to you once they found out about your secret?
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Tashiro secret:
The upper moon didn't like the way Mizuki is holding Osamu's hands
Muzan is glad that his princess is finally showing emotions but he isn't glad that his daughter might have a harem
Suna wasn't close with Mizuki but he really wanted to talk to her
Oikawa is now calling Akaza a volleyball
Hey guys so here is the new update I'm sorry that I wasn't able to update this story I was busy since tomorrow is going to be our first day in class again and I had to relax and think of my mental health since it's going to happen again
I hope that you guys will like it I love you all and thank you all for the support