Chapter Sixteen: This Is Hell Not Training

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After they had went on a match with Mizuki and Aoba Johsai with her being blunt and telling them straight on with her face being blank was scary and that is for sure the only team that hadn't went was Karasuno "its our turn." Hinata said as he jump up and down with a wide smile on his face "no need I already know what you guys need on improvements." Mizuki said which made them look at her "ohh it was on our first practice match." Oikawa said with a wide smile on his face.

"care to tell us?" Ukai said which Mizuki just nodded her head as she started to spoke while looking at them this was going to be a painful words that is going to come to them and they all know it.

"the other setter hesitate on who he is going to throw the ball."

Mizuki said as she looked at Sugawara she wasn't juddung them no she was observing them she is someone who can read people just by observing them that's why she had gotten thisatch information.

" they rely to much on Hinata and the blueberry's quick attack."

Mizuki said as she now facing all of the members of Karasuno with her gaze still blank as always " am I right." Mizuki said and none of them answer her as they knew she was right and it was true since it had been their secret weapon.

" if you keep on doing that they will be able to block it like how we did."

Mizuki said as she was about to walk out of the room since she need to get what they are going to use tomorrow there training is about to start and she won't go easy on her and upper moons they knew that but the humans she might go easy on them since they are not demons they aren't immortals.

"wake up at 5 am sharp don't be late if you were late I will make you run this whole place." Mizuki said as she left the upper moons paled along with Aoba Johsai who knew how she train them they just hope they will survive this.

(time skip)

It is now the day we're they start their training with Mizuki Aoba Johsai and the upper moons were already awake and now outside waiting for the rest of the team to get here as soon as they all got their Muzuki was now standing looking at the upper moons in the eye she did made them wake the rest up "oh your all here that's good then." Mizuki said as she face them with her still blank look the coach and manegers are going with them as well just to see what's going to happen.

"all we have to do is jog right?" Atsumu asked while looking at Muzuki with a hopeful eyes which isn't going to happen "you can say that please follow me and try to keep up." Mizuki said as she started to jog with the upper moons following it was like their normal training right so why do they need Mizuki's help.

"this is what we normally do." Yamaguchi said as he was confuse on what is going on "this is far from normal." Kindaichi said as he started to jog after Mizuki as they knew what they are going to do "far from normal?" Osamu asked as they started to follow the rest of Aoba Johsai Mizuki was already gone along with her upper moons.

"their gone!" Nishinoya yelled as he was shock to see that they were already gone "are they racing again?" Iwaizumi asked as Mizuki had gotten use to this and had started to join in she was enjoying it that's for sure "racing that fast?" Komori asked as he was following them.

Time had past and they finally reach were Mizuki and her upper moon where since Aoba Johsai did stay with them to guide them to the place were they were suppose to meet Mizuki "is it done?" they all asked at the same time as they try to catch there breaths.

"no this is just a warm up~." Oikawa said with a cheerful smile on his face as looked at them who was shock this was all a warm up but it took them so long to get there "if you are done catching your breath then please follow me." Mizuki said as she stood up and now started to walk inside the mountain with them following her.

The air was thin as it was hard to breath that's for sure the higher they go the air gets thinner and thinner as soon a sthey reach the top Mizuki face them as she spoke "be back at the school after lunch I wont wait then." Mizuki said as she left and went back to the school.

"what does that suppose to mean?" Yaku asked while looking at Lev since he seems to know what Mizuki is talking about "ohh we have to get down from this mountain." Lev said with a smile on his face "seems easy enough." Shirabu said which made the whole  Seijoh pale at his words well all of them except Oikawa that is.

"easy for you to say." Kunumi whisper as they all started to made there way down the mountain with some of the teams activating the trap that Mizuki set it was an easy one to be exact she was going easy on them.

"make sure none of them die." the upper moons heared the voice of Mizuki as she gave them her order they were having a hard time trying not to get hit by the traps.

"she is trying to kill us?" some of the yelled and asked at the same time  while they are  trying to avoid the traps meanwhile with Bokuto, Kuroo, Yuji and Atsumu well they were shaken by the traps although Mizuki already told Bokuto that she has no plan on killing them.

So here are the upper moons helping them and trying to keep them alive "easy isn't?" Kunumi asked with a small smile on his face as he stuck out his tongue as he kept on running he was getting use to this after all they had been doing for a month now so they had gotten use to this and the traps are not that hard well that is if you had gotten use to it.

"ahh she is definitely trying to kill us." all of them well except for the upper moons and Aoba Johsai thought at the same time since one of  them were about to fall in a pit that was filled with spikes and what not below them "how does she afford all of this?!" they all thought again except for the upper moons since they knew how she got all of this.

Tashiro secret

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Tashiro secret

Muzan was the one who gave Mizuki all the money

All of them take back when they say it was easy

The upper moons specially Lucas and Raphael was enjoying the show in front of them.

Hey guys so here is the next chapter so I made a new story which I'm going to publish now I hope you guys will check it out it's title as the  daughter of evil it's a cross over between jujutsu kaisen, bungou stray dogs and last but not least Genshin impact

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