Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Color Of The Moon Will Be In The Shade Of Red

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Thrid pov:

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Thrid pov:

This wasn't what Emu was expecting since a lot of people had been missing when they ride the train there was a three hundred people who had ride the train and all went missing and left no trace they knew it was a demon her demon to be exact Sakura's demons yet they are always the one at fault.

Not even the demon slayers knew of there existants it was just them who knew they even lived in this earth it was funny how focused the demon slayers on killing Muzan they didn't even get the news of a new demon ruler a copy cat of the originals.

The copycat of the two yet they will never be them a well powerful demons they truly are "Emu make sure not to die." Emu heard Mizuki's voice within his head he is happy to know that Mizuki is worried for him.

Meanwhile with Oikawa since they have class the volleyball team had been questioning how Mizuki is he knows they are worried for her she is their manager but not only that she is their friend and their crush as well so they are worried for her it was quite as they all stare at Oikawa.

"I'm sorry for not showing myself this past few days something came up." the voice of Mizuki was geared within the gym as they look at their manager with a wide smile on their faces as they had finally see their maneger.

But they wanted to know what had came up for her to not show herself in a long time meanwhile with Emu as he stared at the train with a small smirk on his face he was so happy that his masters had trust him with this mission he even got some people to be included in his plan.

He won't kill them the passengers seems to know the plan and it seems like they are demons who had choose to follow Mizuki being greatful at her as well "seems like getting them here will be easy." Emu said while looking at the train as he saw four Demon slayers riding the train.

Well not after the whole commotion that the two Demon slayers did those two were none other than Zenitsu and Inoske yet it wasn't the same without Tanjiro with them they really miss him dearly they don't even know where he is.

How is he doing nothing it's as if he had vanish from this work he didn't even send any letters like he promise to do so they knew how much Nezuko is missing him yet he didn't even concat them they were sad to see their friend get vanish and they never believed the words that was said.

But no matter how much they look for him and the other former hashira's they can't seems to find them no matter what "are you sure you had to bring Nezuko-chan with us?" Zenitsu asked while looking at Inoske who has the box that has Nezuko within.

"I'm sure of it's Monitsu." Inoske said while looking at Zenitsu with a determined look on his face his eyes were filled with hope that the will see and meet Tanjiro again to let him know that the two of them are safe and that they had taken great care of Nezuko.

Those two had change in a lot of way they were once goofy and silly but it wasn't the same anymore knowing that Tanjiro wasn't with them anymore they enjoy each other company's but one of them were vanished from the crops.

They are determined to find and meet with him again even just by saying how they have been that will be fine with them and knowing that he is safe and fine then they will be more than content yet no matter how many letter they sent it will always come back to them.

Meanwhile inside the train you can see a fire colored hair as he was riding the train with smile on his face mean while on top of the train you can see Emu standing on the top of the train with a smile on his face he knew all to well that Mizuki's upper moons are watching him.

They are all ready to help just in case but this is a chance to kill her then so be it killing Sakura's upper moons will be something that they all want to do specially Mizuki's upper moons who had face those upper moons those demons who killed their love once "such a beautiful event it truly will be~" Emu said as he extended his arms with the moon above.

The moon shines brightly so does Mizuki's and Muzan-s eyes a smirk can be seen on both the father and daughter's face they truly are related to one another as they are really similar in a lot of ways.

Both plum red colored eyes glows in a dangerous way both were smirking as they were ready to bring them pain and make them suffer ending their lives will be a piece of cake it's as if you just remove a fish bone out of your body

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Both plum red colored eyes glows in a dangerous way both were smirking as they were ready to bring them pain and make them suffer ending their lives will be a piece of cake it's as if you just remove a fish bone out of your body.

"your suffering will bring us joy your death will be the final touch in the peace we wanted." both Mizuki and Muzan said as they looked at the glowing moon although the two are in different places they can be seen standing with each other as they stare at the moon.

"now die within my upper and lower moons hands." Mizuki said as she started to walk to were the train is going to be enjoying the show while your near wouldn't that make thing much easier seeing them suffer will be a show to not miss.

Aoba joshai looked at their maneger as she left but they can fell the scary aura around her meanwhile Oikawa is staring at Mizuki with a smirk on his face he was not to follow his master knowing the plan but he is going to get Shoyo and the rest even maybe take Atsumu, Bokuto, Kuroo and Yuji with them.

Blood will be slipped and they all know that blood will be everywhere but the fact that they will kill one of Sakura's creation will be their intertainment although killing them slowly will be much more painful sure they are demons but the thing is they still feel pain they just choose to ignore it because they can regenerate.

Tashiro secret

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Tashiro secret

Karasuno had been feeling Hinata's aura and it's scaring them.

Kita still haven't gotten his answer to his questions since Samu didn't talk

Atsumu can feel that someone is staring at him making him not answer kita

Kita scars Atsumu but being killed scares him the most

Hey guys so here is the next chapter of this story sorry it took me so long I was really busy and we were buying things for our up coming school this years and yeah Im going to be supper busy again but I hope that you guys will like it I love you all.

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