Mizuki Sesshomaru Kibutsuji the daughter of the demon king Muzan Kibutsuji himself and the the younger sister of a human that is known as Kiyoko Shimizu well more like half sisters she had always lived her life in the shadow of her sister Kiyoko was...
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Third pov:
Mizuki didn't get it but there was another training camp when the last one ended with the whole disaster but it seem like it's going to be different because in every end of the week they will have a match with each team Mizuki at first didn't want to go but Hinata and Lev was giving her there puppy dog eyes.
She can't say no to that so she drag Rui with her to suffer with the faith she had just gotten and Rui being Rui went with her wanting to see more tea and maybe just be there to take his mind out of his father after all today is his death anniversary.
Mizuki or her upper moons didn't know of this they just thought that Rui was bored but that's better than anything as Rui himself didn't want them to know at all.
He was still hurt and is still holding onto the promise the he will come back for him, he loves his father even though he is his adopted father.
There bond is something that is unbreakable but as time goes by without him being with Rui he stated to lose it and his hatred took over his judgement.
He hated those humans for listening to Sakura for killing his father and soon to be papa's as well he hated the fact the he lost his family by the hands of those things.
"Rui-san is so quite "Hinata whispered to Lev as the two looked at the short young man who was walking in front of them with Mizuki right next to him as he was walking he was holding onto his locket.
He had been staring at it and Mizuki wanted to know who that people are in the locket she wanted to know why it make him so sad but the thing is it's not just Rui every one of the upper moons are sad "yeah even Muzan-sama went with us." Lev said again as the man was in front of them talking with Giyuu.
Once they had arrive at the place everyone was already there but the thing is their parents are there as well but someone else was there as well as Rui looked at that person his eyes was glowing the sadness was gone but was soon replace with anger and hatred.
But the thing is as his eyes glow it was getting hard to breath its as if his aura had grown bigger than before "why is he here?" Muzan asked himself as he stare at the man with anger in his eyes a demon slayer well once was who killed his wife and son how is he still alive.
He isn't human anymore he can tell that every upper moon was on their knees as Rui stare at the male who killed his father everyone was looking at them in confusion even the spell Lucas had casted on the teams so that they won't be affected was broken Rui broke it.
Slowly they were starting to feel it the heavy aura and it was getting hard to breath the red strings that is forming in Rui's hands but it's a little blury.
Yaku's pov:
Isn't this suppose to be a normal training camp how is this happening "R-rui." Mizuki-San said as she tried to touch the boys hand who is called Rui as he stared at our new team member his eyes its glowing the some yet different glow at what Lev made us see.