Mizuki Sesshomaru Kibutsuji the daughter of the demon king Muzan Kibutsuji himself and the the younger sister of a human that is known as Kiyoko Shimizu well more like half sisters she had always lived her life in the shadow of her sister Kiyoko was...
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Third pov:
They were now having there lunch break with everyone enjoying there food while Mizuki and Muichiro were both spacing out again as they were both looking at the felling "what was her name again?" Mizuki asked while looking at the felling as she was sitting in the middle of Oikawa and Iwazumi who both looked at her at the same time "what do you mean?" Iwazumi asked as he didnt know who is there Manger talking about "that girl who keep on looking at me." Mizuki said as her whole team looked around to see who was looking at her and it was none other than her sister.
"you mean Kiyoko-chan?" Kindaichi asked while looking at her plum red eyes as the two meet each other's gaze "ohh I'll forget anyway." Mizuki said as she continued to eat not minding the looks that she is getting its not like she would care.
"ne~ne Mizuki-Sama smile~" Oikawa said in his sing song voice as Mizuki looked at him while tilting her head to the side thinking what had gotten to this crazy demon that she was sitting next to "why is there something I need to smile about?" she asked while looking at him as it was true there was nothing to smile about "eh come on just once I bet you will slay people with your smile~" Oikawa said in a sing song voice as he looked at his master.
Yet the smile that he was talking about a her real smile not the fake one she would always wear to make them think that she isn't an emotionless person" I'll kill them? "Mizuki asked as she looked at Oikawa in the eyes Lucas and Raphael also wants to see her real smile after all the only one who saw her smile a really happy smile and hear her laugh was none other than Muzan himself.
Muzan had become an over protective father to her and won't want to share her he won't even let her have a boyfriend until she is at a thousand years old and he is being serious about those words "no, no that's not what I meant by slay." Oikawa said while looking at the girl who kept on looking at him with curious eyes.
She knew Oikawa smiles a lot but it was fake as well like Douma's and hers but when ever he is with his team with her and other upper moons his smile was bright and was true "but I always smile though." Mizuki said again while looking at the upper moon who was just looking at the girl beside her even Lev, Tanjiro, Muichiro wanted to know what she looks like when she smile a real smile while Giyuu and Obanai wants to know the same as well.
" he just wants to see you smile Mizuki-San." Iwazumi said while looking at the girl with a soft smile as he pat her head to be honest he didn't know why but he just let him be "wahh your being soft towards Mizuki-sama." Oikawa said while looking at his best friend in disbelief the other team was just looking at the team as they are chaotic but wanted to get to know there new manager "eh but he said if I smile I will kill people not that I mind." Mizuki said but the last part she whispered to herself it's true she doesn't mind killing the demons that Sakura made but that's it.
She won't mind to kill anyone who hurt her father as well its the same for Muzan as well hurt his daughter you will die by his hand while the upper moons will do the same as well they don't care if people see them they won't care, lunch was now over with the team back at practice as Mizuki was sitting the bench someone went near her "hello there." the guy spoke while looking at Mizuki who ignore him Terushima the whole people in the gym was watching him hit on Mizuki who in the slightest didn't care at all was just looking at him with her emotionless eyes she wasn't even talking to him.
" can I have your number?" Terushima asked while looking at her, Seijoh was going near them but Mizuki looked at them and they all stop they knew better along with her upper moons they didn't dare to move "I don't like giving things to strangers Sayonara." Mizuki said as she had flip her coin while looking at him "my name is Yūji Terushima from Johzenji High." he introduced himself while looking at her "I see you had chosen death." her upper moons all said at the same time sure Oikawa was able to hold back but his patience was getting thin and they didn't want that now do they "I am not interested nor did I ask who you are now you may go Sayonara." Mizuki said as she stood up and walk away from him who was still storing there in silence.
Did he just got rejected? Well then the answer to that is yes as Mizuki answered him she is an honest person after all Lucas and Raphael had to be hold back by Tanjiro and Hinata while Oikawa had to be hold back by his team Muichiro was getting carried by Lev while Giyuu had to stop Obanai who is going to kill the man who tried to hit on there master "let's us go!" they all said at the same time since Mizuki was just letting it be.
She had left where she sat earlier and was now sitting somewhere else next to a man who was wearing a face mask "he seems normal." Mizuki thought that's why she sat next to him Sakusa Kiyoomi is who she is sitting next to "come on Lev let me go." Muichiro said as he was still being carried by the tall young man "no your going to murder him for hitting on Mizuki-Sama." Lev said while looking at the young man which is true he was going to kill him but they all know the saying no one plan a murder out loud which is what Tanjuro, Giyuu, Hinata and Lev are thinking.
"are you okay?" Mizuki asked right after she filp her coin while looking at the man who looked like he wanted to disappear "so many germs." the male said while looking around "it's true." Mizuki said as she agreed which her upper moon had heard "you think we are germs?" Oikawa asked with teary eyes sure Oikawa love to play jokes and all that he wanted to see if Mizuki is going to fall for it.
"yes." Mizuki answered her team looked pale her she goes again with her savage mouth "Mizuki-Sama." Raphael said while looking at her in the eyes "although I don't mind you guys are my favorite people I guess." Mizuki said as she was looking at her coin with a small smile it was there for a few second but it was gone her team and upper moon were able to see it.
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Tashiro secret
Time for tashiro secrets
Mizuki has a soft spot for her team and her upper moon
Terushima was still shock by getting rejected in a way he didn't expect
Kuroo was about to do the same but didn't want that to happen to him
Mizuki is a daddy's girl
They were all shock to see her smile a real smile
Hey guys so this is the next chapter of this story thank you for the 1k views it really means a lot to me so thank you so so much guys I love you all