Mizuki Sesshomaru Kibutsuji the daughter of the demon king Muzan Kibutsuji himself and the the younger sister of a human that is known as Kiyoko Shimizu well more like half sisters she had always lived her life in the shadow of her sister Kiyoko was...
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Third pov:
It was now a night a rule was given to them to every stundets and teachers and that is not to leave there room once it had reach dark and that's the rule but you know the saying the rules are meant to be broken although you all know that the reason why they place the rule in the first place to keep you safe then why break it.
Maybe because they were curious about why they are not allowed to go to a certain place so that's why they went there those people were none other than Atsumu, Kuroo, Bokuto, Yuji well they were suppose to drag Oikawa until they felt the death stare that Mizuki was giving them so they had to leave him alone.
"giving that they look like idiots and troublemakers we are following them." Mizuki said as she left the room that she is in with her teammates since there coach explain about the problem with her not wanting to stay with the rest of the girls.
They did what they were told to do as they will always follow Mizuki so they won't even question her they would just do so but what they want to know is why would they want to go in there in the first place doesn't they know the saying curiosity kills the cat? Well this is what they are doing right now they are going to themselves killed.
As the four had reach the place they were hiding to make sure no one will fell there presence although they won't be able to unless they let them "are you sure about this bro?" Bokuto asked Kuroo it was dark there the only light they have is the flashlight that Atsumu brought "im sure you all want to know what is in there anyway." Kuroo said while looking at his friends "yeah its to bad that Oikawa couldn't come with us." Atsumu said as they were now near the place that was lock there was a light there which confuse them.
The place was lock no one was suppose to go there so why would there be a light there the smell was bad they can't tell where it was coming from but it smell like rotten flesh but why would that be no murder had happen in this place with a worried look Yuji opened the door "is everyone okay?" he asked but what shook him was he saw a disfigured monster looking at him as it enjoy the human flesh it was feasting on.
"this must be my lucky day." the demon said as it crawl towards them it was a scary sight they froze out of fear this was there first time seeing something like this "you have a marechi with you as well." the demon said as it was about to jump on Kuroo and Atsumu as they were both a marechi.
But it was stop when Oikawa jump out and kicked the demon that sent him flying "my~my how boring~" Oikawa said while looking at the demon as it stand up "how can you, you're a human." the demon said as it stood up and look at Oikawa as it was glaring at him as he kept on smiling.
"Oikawa?!" the four yelled while looking at Oikawa out of shock and confusion on how he was here and how he was able to kick that thing so strong "yahoo~" Oikawa said as he turn around and face the four who was still frozen in place.
"you guys can come out now." Oikawa said as he looked at the roof that the other upper moons were standing at as they enjoy the show infront of them "nah you got this." Lucas said while looking at Oikawa as he smiled at him which annoyed Oikawa a little but he just kept on smiling.