Mizuki Sesshomaru Kibutsuji the daughter of the demon king Muzan Kibutsuji himself and the the younger sister of a human that is known as Kiyoko Shimizu well more like half sisters she had always lived her life in the shadow of her sister Kiyoko was...
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Thrid pov:
"is that so then lets kill them and make them pay for what they did." Oikawa said as his eyes glowed with upper moon zero can be seen in his eyes "so I wasn't dreaming when I saw that in your eyes." Osamu said while looking at Oikawa all of them have the number in there eyes it just different.
"of course every strong Demons has those in there eyes~"Hinata said as they saw him sitting right on the burning roof without even caring about being burned alive at this point" ohh my upper moon three decided to finally join the party how lovely." Raphael said while looking at the ornage headed make who was being burned.
While the other were panicking Samu and Bokuto can't help but be amazed by that seeing how Hinata isn't even affected at all by the flame" you guys can show up now. "Hinata called up as he looked at the other roof there stood Giyuu, Obanai, Muichiro.
While two people landed right infront of them both being Alisa and Lev who are both in there Demon form while Hinata jump off the roof he was sitting on" I guess you didn't listen to the warning did you. "Alisa said as she went near Atsumu she can't help but smirk at this.
"you really have guts to do this and even stay here when everything is being destroyed. "Obanai said while looking at them" I give you my praise for that. "Obanai said while looking at them dead in the eyes" it didn't surprise me anymore if you did it once you will do it again. "Muichiro said while looking at Atsumu and Bokuto.
He's just glad that he won't need to deal with his teammates who are as chaotic as Karasuno can be"you are all Demons?" Kita asked in shocked but what he is thinking now is "does Mizuki-Chan knows about this?" Kita thought go himself as he wasn't able to see Mizuki with them.
Since they would willingly follow Mizuki everywhere its just weird not to see her with them yet he is glad that she isn't with them at least she didn't know or so he thought" what is happening since when did this whole start since when did the knew about you guys being a Demon? "Suna asked he was the quite one but he wanted to know what is happening.
" it all started on about a thousand years ago, Atsumu-san and Bokuto-san found out when we were on the training camp. "Hinata said as he looked at them he was enjoying the look they were giving them after all they had been ignorant and didn't knew about the excistants of Demons.
"does Mizuki-Chan knows about you guys being Demons?" both Kita and Akashi asked while looking at them in the eyes sure their aura terrified then but they master the courage to ask them the question "you guess~" Alisa said as she smirk at them.
She knew they care for her and she can tell the way these two worries for their master is that they are close with her that's is the only thing she can think about but she knew of this "if she didn't knew are you ever planning on telling her?" Osamu asked while looking at them as he hold onto his twin's arms.
Since both of them are both marechis with Akashi being one along with Kita which is going to be much more bigger problem than anything meanwhile with Tengen he can be seen walking to the city along with Yui as they trude to look for the two demons.
"ohh looks like someone will like to join in the play." Oikawa said in a cold and chilling tone in his voice it was enough to send chiber down their spines to them they had never seen Oikawa be this serious before.
Killing Yui won't be a walk in the park after all she isn't even the real upper moon five she is nothing but a mere puppet a tool to the real upper moon five is hiding somewhere as she let Yui kill and fight for her while she enjoy the show.
Meanwhile with Mizuki she can be seen looking at the hashira and Tanjiro's friend she find them interesting yes but they can also be a use to them to take down Sakura after all she is nothing but a mere pest that is needed to be getting rid off.
Suna's pov:
I'm shock I wonder does Mizuki-Chan knows about this because she doesn't seem to know about this what will happen then when Atsunu knew why didn't he say anything but even if he did I wonder woukd we believe him would we really believe him unless we had seen it.
But there are two of them even Bokuto-san seems to know about their secret yet they can't tell Mizuki who seems to trust them so much "don't think to much just relax." I heared someone say that the voice was familiar yet no one was there.
As I look around I can't seen to find nor see anything but at the far distance I can a figure sitting on top of the roof yet u can't make out who that is I wonder if they aren't protecting us what would happen to us.
Would someone else save us or will we die here that thought scares me yet they all seem clam about this everything was quite all we can hear is the sound of the fire burning down the house in this city that was until I heard Kita-San speak.
"answer is are you even planning on telling this to her?" Kita-San asked as he looked at Oikawa-san who was just smirking as he looked back at Kita-San and back at the distance "who knows after all you all might die here if we failed to protect you." Oikawa-san said while now looking at us.
It scared all of us it made all of us silent but Bokuto-san seems lkem he wanted to say something but was stop when Obanai-san looked at him as he glared at him even Atsumh didn't speak at all its as if they are hiding something else from us.
Everything was quite until we heared footsteps "were...." Osamu was about to shout but was stop by Lev who looked at us as he glared something that you never seen him do at all someone was about to attack Oikawa-san but was stop by someone blocking the sword that was about to kill Oikawa-san.
"what is your puppeteer still afraid of getting killed by my upper moons?"
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Tashiro secret:
Kita is so worried that the secret that her friends are hiding from Mizuki will hurt her
None of them expected for Atsumu and Bokuto to know this secret
Mizuki was enjoying how they were worried for her when she is the master of these upper moons who are saving them
Hey guys so here is the next chapter I hope that you guys will like it the next chapter there is were you guys will see what Sakura look like
I hope that you guys will like this I love you all and thank you all so so much for the 24k plus views it really means a lot to me so thank you so so much
As I was doing this chapter I actually was listening to house of memories it's a really good song and it help me finish this chapter
I wonder who is the real upper moon five if it's not Yui then who is it?