What If She's Happy!?

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This is a work of fiction is based on the Turkish hit Series Sen Cal Kapimi....

This is the last chapter.. as what I've said from the very beginning, everything needs to match the start of the second season so don't hate me..


He never heard from Eda after that day. He wanted to call her, but he knew she wouldn't want to talk to him.  Her shares where transfered to his name a week later. From what he had heard, she left for Italy with her grandmother three days after they broke up.

Serkan, spent most of his days working at home. He rarely go to the office. And he moved back to his old place, that apartment had way too much memory for him. He needs to move on.

He went upstairs that day, Eda had just left. He saw a box on the top of the bed. He walked closer to it and saw trinkets, photos of them and even the handcuffs she used the first day they had met.

"I am a coward Eda. You're right. I am a coward." He place the handcuffs on his chest and lay on the bed. He let his tears fall. There's no use denying it. He's heartbroken yes, but because of his own doing.

It's been months since, Serkan was in the office for a client meeting. He was on his way to his office upstairs when he heard Piril and Engin talking.

"She's graduating tomorrow, you think we can send a flower for her? Melo and her Aunt are already there. Her grandmother is on her way. I wish i could give Eda a hug."

"You think we should tell Serkan?" He heard Engin ask.
"No, Eda said not to tell him. And after what he did to her, you think he cares?" Piril was right. He has no right to know.

"I know he treated her unfairly, but I know Serkan. He's hurting." Engin said and that's true. He knows Serkan better than anyone else. He regret pushing Eda away. He regret everything he did, but it was too late.

He proceeded to take the steps up to his private office locked the door and sat on the couch. Eyes shut, his hands on his face. Eda. It was her face he see every time he close his eyes. Every detail of her beautiful face. Her dark brown eyes, her nose, her plump lips waiting to be kissed. Even that tiny mole on her right cheek. He misses her so much.

Whenever he's at home, he always have this images of her appear in front of him. With her cooking, dancing, drawing drafts of landscape designs.

He didn't notice he fell asleep, still dreaming of Eda's smiling face. He jolted when he heard his phone ring in his coat pocket. He answered. "Hello?" but no one was speaking from the other line. He checked the caller ID. It was a private number.
"Hello?" He spoke again, but still no one answered. He waited in silence, at first he thought he heard some sobbing and the line cut.

He dialed a number on his phone, he needs to leave this place for a while. He left Leyla instructions.


She wiped the tears off her face. He misses him so much. She called to tell him about her graduation the next day and other than that, she wants to tell him she's pregnant with his child.

After they broke up, Eda left for Rome with her grandmother. It was only a month after that she learned about her pregnancy. She wanted to tell him right away, but after he made it clear that he doesn't want children, she decided not to.

At night, she sometimes imagine how life would be if Serkan was with her. He had always been overprotective when they were together, how much more if she was pregnant. She cry almost every night because of what happened. Her grandmother, had been with her for sometime, her aunt had been coming to Rome almost every month since Eda left Istanbul. Melo, found a new job, Ceren is in Spain with Ferit and Fifi visited Rome once and stayed with her for a week.

Tomorrow is the start of a new life. She thought as she place her hand on her baby bump.
"If only your Dad were here little one."  A single tear slide off her cheek. Serkan, she will never open her heart to anyone else.

Graduation Day

Eda was happy,the ceremony was over. She had been dreaming of this her whole life. She walked through the crowd of people looking for her Aunt. She saw them standing near the  kiosk placed for guests.  She hugged everyone. Fifi came all the way from London to celebrate with her. Her grandmother was there too. Everyone took turns to take a photo with Eda.

They were laughing at Melo's story when Eda suddenly felt her heart beat fast. He's here. She place a hand on her chest and take a look around. Her eyes glued at a man walking towards a car, his back on her. Serkan. She thought. She was waiting for the man to turn his head, but  all thoughts were forgotten when her grandmother announce she booked a vacation in Venice for everyone.

He had been waiting on the sidelines for her name to be called. He can't let her graduation day pass without seeing her. This is an important day for her and he needs to be there. Not that he wants something in return. He love her since the first day he laid eyes on her.

I just want to see her happy face one last time.

He thought. He lose sight of her with all the students wearing the same black robe. But he knew it was her when he saw those long brown locks.  His eyes won't leave her alone. He hides behind a large tree just to make sure her friends and family won't see him.

"You deserve this, Eda. You've always dreamed of this." He murmured to himself. She had suffered so much for her to get this. "You go get that dream  you so deserve. Even if it's not with me, I will always be happy for you." He stared at her face. She had been smiling the whole ceremony, and for Serkan that was enough. As much as he want to hug and kiss her, he can't. He doesn't want to risk being seen by her. He removes his sunglasses and stared for a while, one last time.

"I love you, Eda. I will never stop loving you." He whisper those words as if saying goodbye. His heart beats fast and he slowly walked towards his rental car. He glance over his shoulder one more time and smile.

She's happy, that's all that matters.


Will post an epilogue chapter..

This may not be the happiest of endings. But there is still a silver lining.

Y'all have a good weekend..


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