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Third person.

Exactly one day before the dance project, Choi and Nishimura have been practicing the whole day in the dance room. There weren't any mistakes that needed to be fixed, but somehow they kept repeating every move until they were both satisfied.

Say, two perfectionist dancers in one room.

"We got this part, right?" Ni-ki asked. Currently, they were watching the video they took of themselves dancing to check before they were finally done.

"Yes." Yunmi said coming more like a whisper, her eyes paying full attention to herself dancing behind the screen.

"Then I think we're done." Ni-ki said as the video ended. An exasperated sigh escaped from Yunmi and approved.

When the background music was paused by Ni-ki, he sat down on the floor in front of Yunmi, who had her head rested on the couch.

"Feeling nervous tomorrow?" Yunmi spoke, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Not really." Ni-ki answered truthfully.

"Really?" Yunmi asked.

"Yeah, I mean, dancing in front of both of our classes shouldn't be that bad. I've been in many dance competitions and events and they had much bigger crowds." Ni-ki chuckled as he answered. He turned to face an anxious Yunmi hugging her knees.

"Why? Do you?" He asked. Yunmi looked at him and nodded with a shaky smile.

"Of course I am. I never danced in front of other people, and I never told anyone that I dance, other than my family... and you, of course. I'm just afraid of messing up and ruining the whole performance while everyone's eyes are on us. " Yunmi let out, putting her face on her knees as she groaned.

As she was done talking, Ni-ki shifted closer to her, staring her right into her eyes (causing a little spark to happen).

"I know how you feel. But hey, you're gonna do great. Mistakes don't matter if you just let them pass and keep dancing. You don't think about the people around you, it's just you and me that's important." Ni-ki said in his softest tone, reassuring Yunmi.

As Yunmi was listening to him, she felt relieved. A wider smile crept on her face as she nods, taking his words as advice.

"Thanks." Yunmi paused, and Ni-ki thought that was all.

"I didn't know you had this soft side of you." Yunmi joked and laughed. Ni-ki rolled his eyes and scooted away.

"I was trying to help." Ni-ki gritted his teeth. Yunmi laughed again in response.

Ni-ki got up and grabbed his phone. Yunmi wouldn't have cared what he was doing, but he stood in front of her and lend out his hand.

"Get up, we're going out."

"Huh? Out... where?" Yunmi questioned but took his hand anyway.

"Clear our minds and get some fresh air." Ni-ki answered.

Leaving their other stuff behind, they headed out for the front door until his mom called them.

"Where are you two going?" Mrs. Nishimura strictly asked.

"I'm taking her out. We're gonna eat outside." Ni-ki replied.

"Alright, don't take too long outside." Mrs. Nishimura said as they both nodded.

"We won't. Bye, mom." Ni-ki said before opening the door and walking out.

Mrs. Nishimura watched them through the window. Her son was taking out his bicycle and helped Yunmi hop on the back. As the two have left, the mom smiled and giggled at the sudden idea.

How cute they are together.


They stopped at a small park, not far from his house. It has a small playground where it was occupied by children. Yunmi immediately ran off just as Ni-ki was still parking his bike. She sat on the available swing and guarded the other swing next to her for Ni-ki.

Yunmi pushed herself back once the latter sat down. She aimed to swing very high and raised her feet not to touch the ground. Whilst Ni-ki was giggling, his gaze stuck on her.

"You were aware that a little kid was going for the swing until you took it." Ni-ki told her.

"She was too slow, her loss." Yunmi said laughing like a bully.

It seemed as if they had no plans to get off the swing, ignoring the mean stares from some kids as they were patiently waiting for the teenagers to get off.

Ni-ki had a glimpse of two people strolling on the sidewalk of the park. It took a moment for him to realize that he knew who they were.

"Ah, they're here." Ni-ki murmured.

"You said something?" Yunmi asked, snapping him out.

"I said Heeseung and Jake hyung are here." He whispered louder.

"Where?" Yunmi followed where Ni-ki was looking at.

"Three, two, one... and they saw us." Ni-ki chuckled as his friends pointed and waved at them widely.

"They live here?" Yunmi asked.

"Jake hyung does." Ni-ki responded, making Yunmi nod.

"I wonder what they're up to." Ni-ki remarked, watching them walk towards them.

"Hey, guys." Jake greeted them first.

"Oh sorry, are we interrupting something?" Heeseung welcomed them with a teasing grin. Ni-ki rolled his eyes and Yunmi let out a dry laugh.

"Hi, Yunmi." Both boys said at the same time.

"Hi." Yunmi shyly replied. She doesn't know them much, but she's seen them many times with Ni-ki.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you here, hyungs!" Ni-ki sarcastically exclaimed, his face saying otherwise of what he said.

"Nice joke. I could hear the sarcasm." Heeseung retorted. Ni-ki playfully sticks his tongue out at the elder.

"Is this a date?" Jake motioned his fingers pointing at Ni-ki and Yunmi, looking at them suspiciously.

"No." Ni-ki responded without looking at them.

"Friendly date?" Heeseung interjected, causing Ni-ki to groan and for the other girl to widen her eyes averting away and pressing her lips together.

"We decided to go out since we just finished practicing for the dance project, which is tomorrow. We are not on a date." Ni-ki explained clearly, to be frank.

"If you say so. Well, best of luck tomorrow." Heeseung said.

"Thanks. Now if you excuse us, we're leaving." Ni-ki stated. He and Yunmi walked got on his bicycle as the guys stood there watching them.

"See you at school." Ni-ki stepped on the paddle and passed by them.

Watching them as they leave on Ni-ki's bike, the two boys had different reactions: one being in total confusion and one being proud of the sudden development. Although, they do share one thought inside their mind right now...

I thought they hate each other?


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