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Jk: There is a cabin over there, I prepared something's for us. I'll go get them, stay here.

Jin: It's soo beautiful and peaceful here

Jin: Jin, come over here

Jin: Coming.... You prepared all this?

Jk: Yes, come sit here


Jin: How did you find this place?

Jk: My mother and father came here a lot, this is actually my family land

Jin: You mean from where we started walking coming up here all of that is your parents land?!

Jk: Yes, my father had business to take of in the little town not too far from here that we passed on our way. My mother insisted on going with him because she didn't want to stay home that day. While he was busy taking care of business. She decided to go for a drive and some how ended up here and got lost. When my father heard they couldn't find her he went searching for her, he did find her but also ended up lost. By wondering around trying to find their way back they found this place. Eventually the gang members found them and they went home......... My mother fell in love with this place so my father bought it for her hehe! My dad went a little overboard.

Jin: A little?

Jk: That's how he gets when it comes to his family but enough about my parents. Today is about us, here try this I made it just for you. I know you love sweet things.

Jin: How do you know I like, you know what don't answer that..... Mmmmm! It's delicious! Did you really made these?

Jk: I did, I may not look it but I'm a great cook

Jin:  That i can agree on. Hehe!

Jin: We spent most of the time chatting and getting to know each other until it was time for us to leave

(Outside Jin's house)

Jin: Thank you for today

Jk: No problem I'm just glad you enjoyed yourself

Jin: I did.....

Jk: So is this the part where we kiss each other good night?

Jin: In your dreams, jerk!

Jk: (smile)

Jk: I'm just kidding, no need to get all angry...... I'll be going now, good night, Jin.

(Jungkook turns to leave)

Jin: Wait!

Jk: What is it-


Jk: So you changed your mind

Jin: G-good night

(Runs inside)

Jk: Isn't he just cute.


(Two months later)

Tae: You're in a good mood, is Jin coming over today?

Jk: Yes, he is

Tae: You two love birds have been spending a lot of time together lately.

Jk: Why wouldn't we? We are dating

Tae: Look at you all grown up

Jk: Real funny......... What's taking him so long, he should've been here by now

Tae: He got held up at the shop, it's been preety busy there lately

Jk: You're probably right, I'm worried for nothing.

Tae: it's because you can't wait to see your sweet Jin's face

Jk: Shut up

Tae: Hahahaha

To be continued.....

MR. JEON!! OMEGA (Jinkook/kookjin) Where stories live. Discover now