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Jk: You'll be a great cook in no time. It's only been two weeks, you won't get any of it that fast..... Give it some time and continue working hard.

Jin: Sniffle........ Jungkook is right, I can do this!
Jk: How's it going? Why are you standing so close to the pot?

Jin: I'm making such the food doesn't burn

Jk: He looks so focus

Jk: If you stand so close, you'll get burn

Jin: ......... And done! Now to taste it

Jk: I'll taste it

Jin: ...... Are you sure? The last one you tasted we had to rush you to the hospital

Jk: I'll do it.

Jin: O-o kay...... Here

Jk: This is-

Jin: How is it?

Jk: It's delicious! For real this time

Jin: R- really?

Jk: Taste it

Jin: ....... It is delicious!! I did it!! After all that failure I finally did it!!

Jk: Haha! You did, great job

Jin: Hahaha! I'm making dinner tonight for everyone

Jk: I'm sure they'll love it

Jin: That night I cooked for everyone and they all enjoyed it for real this time. I was so happy to see everyone enjoying my cooking and praising me..... I'll never forget the smiles on their faces.


(6 months later)

Jin: Look at them playing, hwan and Aera  are old enough to crawl around on there own now........ I can't believe time flies so fast, soon they'll be walking on their own and doesn't need appa and daddy's help any more.

Hwan:  Pa!.....

Jin: You want me to play with you guys?

Aera: Ah!.....

Jin: Hehe! Sure I'll pay with you

Aera: Baa....... Ah!

Hwan: Ah! . ...

Jin: They seem to be having fun

Jk: I'm back

Jin: Welcome home


Hwan: DADA!.....

Aera: DADA!.....

Jin: They seem happy to see you

Jk: Did you guys miss me?

Aera: Ah!

Jk: I missed you guys too and look what daddy bought for you guys

Jin: Didn't I tell to stop buying them toys whenever you're on your way back from work? If you continue like this you'll spoil them

Jk: They won't...... Go on you two go play with your new toys

Jin: Oh, before I forget, which one of your swimmers should I pack

Jk: Pack? For what?

Jin: What do you mean for what? For our vacation tomorrow

Jk: Oh, right....... About I can't go

Jin: Why not?

Jk: My rut will be starting either tomorrow the next day

Jin: And?

Jk: What you mean and? You know how I get when I'm in rut and I haven't found Suppressants that works for me yet

Jin: Why do you need Suppressants when you have me?

Jk: Jin you know how I get when I'm in rut and I don't want to hurt you

Jin: You won't

Jk: Jin..........

Jin: Trust me you won't besides if you get out of control again I'll just kick your ass again like last time.

Jk: Haha! That i know you'll do....... Fine, we can go on the trip but if you see like I'm not myself I want you to book another room and stay there until my rut calms down, okay?

Jin: Yes, sir!

Jin: Nope, not happening 🤫

To be continued.......

MR. JEON!! OMEGA (Jinkook/kookjin) Where stories live. Discover now