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star woke up to the sound of yelling out in the main room of her apartment, sighing as she sat up, remembering the whole group was still living at her place.

she got up, putting her shirt on and walked out of her room, seeing madelyn walk out of her room across the hall, looking as tired and confused. the two walked to the kitchen, hearing the shouting continue.
until she was faced with all the guys in the kitchen, attempting to cook, all falling silent went they had seen the two girls

"what the hell is going on?" she asked, seeing her kitchen in one hell of a mess.

"we were trying to cook you guys breakfast" chase said, looking guilty like a child who was caught.

as he finished his sentence, the fire alarm went off.

"well you're doing one good job, guys" she sighed, attempting to reach up to try turn it off, being far to short to try.

drew snuck up behind her, softly pushing her aside, pressing it with ease and the ringing noise became silent.

"what are you even making? does it really take 4 shirtless guys in my kitchen? this looks like the start of a porno" star joked.

"oh wouldn't you love that" rudy winked.

"shutup" she scoffed, taking a seat at the barstool.

"i was trying to make the french toast while drew cooked the bacon and eggs." rudy said

"and he forgot about it and burnt it" austin snitched like a child.

"oh seriously dude?" drew whined.

"the french toast is okay though" rudy said.

"why didn't you guys just let rudy cook? he's the only one who can make a somewhat decent meal" maddie said

"excuse you?" chase said like he was offended.

"i mean you aren't that bad, babe. i just think rudy's got some tricks up his sleeves" maddie said

"oh that's for sure" star mumbled sarcastically, the boys being dirty minded took it another way.

"woah woah woah! kinky much" austin joked at stars comment, her face going bright red.

"no no no that's not what i meant!" she said

"yeah right. i'm sure my boys got plenty of tricks up these sleeves huh" chase said hyping up rudy as he touched him all over, the boys sounding out ooohs

"oh my god. shutup. i'm not dealing with this. make me breakfast in bed" she ordered.

"yes mom" chase groaned

many weeks went by of this lockdown/ quarantine, and despite it being crazy, with limited grocery runs and outside public time, the group surprisingly weren't going crazy.

it was finally the day where the show was being released, just in time for the quarantine to end in 2 short weeks, meaning they'd be thrown right in the deep in with press, interviews, and so on.

"wait wait wait! what's the time!" austin asked

"i'm making popcorn!" rudy shouted

"facetime JD, maddie and the pates! now now now!" drew ordered

"get everything ready hurry up, we've got 5 minutes!" mads said

"would you all settle down? for like 5 seconds, so i can turn this damn tv on! what the fuck, who signed me out of netflix?" star began to yell herself

"me. sorry" drew said

"why would you do that?" she said

"i couldn't remeber what episode i was on on my account, so i logged onto mine and forgot to log back in?" he said

"why didn't you just do it on your phone dumbass! this is gonna take forever!" she said typing each letter in one by one on the stupid remote.

"sorry. didn't think of that!" he said

"rudy bring the snacks too" star said

"yes ma'am! coming right up!"

the whole apartment was going crazy in this moment. everyone was frustrated and shouting at each other, and both nervous and excited to finally watch all their hard work pay off.

everyone had finally settled, sitting around the living room as the first episode began starting with the ever so welcoming, 'dun dun' with the netflix logo. from there, they didn't know what was gonna come for the next 10 episodes.

yeah the cast all had their takes and pitched in on the editing, but they didn't know the end production layout of everything as scenes weren't filmed in perfect order of every minute of the episodes.

"we're the pogues! and our mission this summer, is to have a good time, all the time!" the group heard chases voice speak, the boys roaring with cheers of excitement.

"that's my boy!" rudy said, seeing chases face on the screen.

"would you shutup! you act like we haven't been filming this every day for the past five and a half months" str scoffed, smacking rudy as he lay between her legs on the long part of their L shaped couch.

everyone fell silent, finally listening and watching as they all seen eachother on the screen.

"imagine how famous we're gonna be" drew winked

"stars already famous. time to share baby" rudy said

if only they knew what was coming for them. all.


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