Chapter 1

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"God, is this almost over?" You think to yourself as you're running on the tracks behind your university. "Beep beep beep," your watch goes off, you stop running to try and catch your breath. "Finally," you say with the amount of air you could let out. A teacher begins walking towards you and starts to yell your name. " Y/N!" "Y/N!" You couldn't hear him the first time, he catches up to you and says "Jack Crawford would like to speak to you." "Why?" you answer. "He didn't give me any details, he just told me to come and get you and for you to be quick to get there". You start jogging towards the door to get inside.

You knock on Jack's office door and hear him say "come in." You head into the office and take a seat in front of his desk. "Good morning," Jack Crawford begins. "Good morning, Mr. Crawford." You shoot back. "Sorry to pull you off the course on such short notice. Your instructor tells me you're doing well. Top quarter of the class." He says. "I hope so. They haven't posted any grades yet." You add. "A job has come up, and I thought about you. Not a job per se, more of an errand. Walk me to my car, Y/N." He stands up.

"I remember you from my seminar at UVA," he says. "As I recall, you grilled me pretty hard on Boreau's civil rights record in the hoover years." You say. "I gave you an A." He states. "An A minus, sir." I corrected. "Let's see, double major? Psych and Criminology, graduated magna. Summer internships at the Reitzinger Clinic. It says here, when you graduate, you wanna come work for me, in behavioral science." He claims. "Yes. Very much, sir very much." You nod. "We're interviewing all the serial killers now in custody, for a Psycho behavioral profile. Could be a big help in unsolved cases. Most of them have been happy to talk to us. They have the compulsion to boast, these people... Do you spook easily, Y/N?" He asks. "Not yet," you say simply.

"You see, the one we want most refuses to cooperate. I want you to go after him again today, in the asylum." Crawford explains. "Who's the subject?" You ask. "Who could he need me to talk to, he could've asked someone else on his team," You think to yourself. "The psychiatrist - Dr. Hannibal Lecter." He states. Your face goes pale. "The Cannibal...." You mutter. Crawford doesn't say anything, just stares at you and observes your face. "Yes, well... Okay, right. I'm glad for the chance, sir, but - why me?." You ask. "You're qualified and available. And frankly, I can't spare a real agent right now." Crawford says. He begins walking, at a faster pace this time. You hurry to keep up with him. "I don't expect him to talk to you, but I have to be able to say we tried... Lecter was a brilliant psychiatrist, and he knows all the dodges." He says, handing you a manila envelope. "Dossier on him, copy of our questionnaire, special ID for you... If he won't talk, I want straight reporting. How he looks, how his cell looks, what he's writing. The director himself will see your report, over your own signature - if I decide it's good enough. I want that by 0800 Wednesday, and keep this to yourself." He explains.

When you reach his car, his assistant says something into her walkie-talkie. Jack Crawford pulls her aside, with his hand on her shoulder. His intensity is unnerving. He shortly returns and begins talking. "Now. I want your full attention. Y/N, Are you listening to me?" Crawford questions. "Yes, sir." You answer. "Be very careful with Hannibal Lecter. Dr. Chilton at the asylum will go over the physical procedures used with him. Do not deviate from them, for any reason. You tell him nothing personal. Y/N, Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head... Just do your job, but never forget what he is." He orders.

"And what is that, sir." You ask. "Oh, he's a monster. A pure psychopath..." Crawford says. He gets into his car and begins driving away. "A monster, he's a filthy monster. There's no way I'll let him get to me." You think to yourself as you walk to your car.

You start to drive down the road, your nerves almost getting the better of you. "I can't believe he thought I'd be able to make him talk," You say. You keep looking at your bag with all your notes and documents on Hannibal Lecter. You want to read them, but know you still have to wait. You see the picture of him attached to the document. However, you shake the thoughts and worries out of your head and continue to drive on. Trying to distract yourself, you focus on what you should make for supper when you get home. More like what you have available in the fridge to make something. Finally, you park your car and head to your front door.

As you enter your small house, you make your way to the kitchen. You take out the documents on Hannibal Lecter and begin skimming through them. "The more I read the more I become... Fascinated with him. No no, that's just because he was such an incredible psychiatrist and then decided to just... throw it away and become a serial killer. But he's one of the most dangerous serial killers they have at the asylum. He's smart, he knows every trick in the FBI book of interrogation. That's why he was so hard to catch. He was never sloppy, he knew how to hide in the shadows, he..." You place your hand on your forehead. "I need to go to bed. I'm thinking about this too much. I'm just going to interview him. Nothing's gonna happen." Before I fall asleep, I see the picture of that... monster again, attached to one of the files. I stare at it for a bit. My stomach gets uneasy. I shake it out of my mind again. "There's nothing to be... nervous about. He's trapped in a strong, cage with metal bars and a thick piece of nylon. I'm gonna be fine."

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