Chapter 10

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Your in a line of other passengers, moving slowly towards a departure ramp. You glance over your right shoulder at a pair of uniformed cops brawny and impassive, their arms folded, waiting to make sure you've boarded the plane. You sigh turning wearily back to the jetway. 'I need to be with him, I can't ignore these feelings anymore. I don't care if it's wrong... I need him... All of him' you think to yourself.

Hannibal's P.O.V.

Your listening to your cassette player, you Pembry carrying a rather elegant dinner tray "ready when you are, doc!" Pembry shouts at you, you look beside yourself on your table, piles of your drawings and on the very top is your most recent sketch. A sketch of Y/N "just another minute, please!" you answer from behind the paper screen. Pembry grunts and sets down the tray, Boyle joins Pembry "son of a bitch demanded lamb chops for diner, extra rare." Pembry says to Boyle "what you reckon he will want for breakfast - some fuckin' thing from the zoo" Boyle says laughing. You sway slightly to the music playing as your tongue works in your cheek, suddenly a small shiny piece of metal protrudes from your lips, your holding the pocket clip from Prentice's disassembled pen, you push one edge against the toilet seat rim, you hold up the results. The edge of the clip now forms a tiny right angle, you stand up and flush the toilet, walking out from behind the paper screen "okay, Doc, grab some floor. Same drill as lunchtime." Pembry says to you, you take a seat on the floor, legs out straight and wriggle backwards towards the bars with your arms behind you. You place your arms outside the bars so Pembry can handcuff you "I'm ready when you are, Officer Pembry" you say. Pembry comes around and squats behind you, Pembry roughly tugs your arms farther outside the bars and handcuffs your wrists,. Pembry shakes the cuffs to make sure there on properly, then nods to Boyle.

You see Boyle pick up the dinner tray, and Pembry crossing around. Pembry takes the keys from Boyle, unlocking the cell door, and pushes it inward. Boyle goes inside with the tray. You watch Boyle approach the table, Boyle sets the tray down to move your drawings out of the way to place the tray on your table. You use your makeshift key, held between your right index and middle finger, searching for the keyhole in the cuffs, you find it. As Boyle finishes clearing off the drawings he turns towards you, stooping up the dinner tray. Before Boyle picks up the tray, you jump up and snap the handcuff to his wrist making him attached to you. Boyle looks up, astonished just to find himself looking into your grinning face. Pembry starts for the cage reaching for his riot baton, you slam the cage door in Pembry, pinning him across the chest, against the door frame. You look over and see Boyle, on one knee desperately searching his pocket for the handcuff key. You focus back on Pembry who was straining to reach the baton in his belt, Pembry's eyes widen as he looks at you, you bare your teeth towards him and grip onto Pembry's face, shaking like a dog shakes a rat. Boyle found the key to the handcuff's but drops it in terror, you grab the mace can and baton from Pembry's belt and spray Pembry in the face, then clubbing him to his knees. Boyle's mouth is wide open in a silent scream, finding the key again, unlocking the handcuff but then, as he start's to rise he sees you standing over him, with the riot baton raised high; you swing it viciously down again and again and again. The cassette player and portrait of Y/N are now splattered with blood. You close your eyes, lost in your favorite passage of the music. Your bloody finger drift airily with the notes. You open your eyes, sigh contentedly, and look down. By the sprawled legs of Boyle lie various objects that spilled from his pants pocket - coins, a comb, and a big pocket knife.

You pick up the big pocket knife, examining it happily. About a four inch blade. You look over at Pembry who is crawling with torturous slowness towards the command desk and the phone, Pembry's crying but is frantically determined, you make your way over to Pembry, kneeling beside him you place the pocket knife against his face and start cutting carefully peeling off Pembry's face when you finished with that you swapped clothing with him, pulling on the blood soaked - size to small police uniform. You pick up Pembry's body and place it on the roof of the elevator then clicking the button making the elevator go down to floor 3, you grab the gun off the table and fire off a shot and then two more "that should get there attention" you think to yourself, you lay down on the ground and place the skin of Pembry's face over yours making sure it covered fully, you could here the cops below moving around as well as the ambulance they called for. You lay completely still, hearing the police make there way up the stairs and burst threw the doors, one officer and paramedic goes towards you and Boyle, you hear one of the cops say "Boyle is dead, Sarge. His gun's gone..." and you notice the Sargent repeating information into a walkie talkie, another police officer is checking you over and yells out "this ones alive!" the Sargent then tells the officer to grab your hand and talk to you thinking that your Pembry. The paramedics start grabbing gurneys, the officer helps the paramedic lift you up and place you on top of the gurney, rolling you towards the elevator, you keep still and quiet while other stuff besides escaping fill your mind "My little lamb would be shaking right now if she knew this was happening, I promised she would see me again I just don't think Y/N thought it would be this soon" you think to yourself as the elevator goes down to the first floor before the doors open you the blood from the body you placed on the top start dripping down on top of you, you hear the Sargent whisper into the walkie talkie telling everyone that Hannibal was on the roof of the elevator. when the doors open majority of the police in the elevator usher the paramedics out and stay behind you cant see what's going on but you have a good idea of what was happening and they soon would figure out that the body in the elevator was Pembry's and that you escaped in the ambulance so you had minimal time once you got inside the ambulance.

In the ambulance you hear the Paramedics scrambling around hooking you up to the monitors, you hear one of the talking into a radio "he's comatose, but his vital signs are good. pressure's 130 over 90... Yeah, 90! Pulse 85..." you slowly start sitting upright "his convulsions have stopped, but he's got so much loose skin on his face, it's hard to tell if-" suddenly the paramedic stops talking and turns towards you with a puzzled expression, your fist flashes high in the air attacking the paramedic with the pocket knife you still had. After attacking both paramedics the Ambulance starts losing control and swerves on the road, you grab the steering wheel and direct the ambulance to the side of the road, you exit through the back and stare at the big green road sign Infront of you that reads "Memphis international airport/2 miles" You rip off the skin that was covering your face along with wiping as much of the blood off as possible, tossing it aside. "it's time to pay my little lamb a visit" you say with a huge smirk on your face.

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