Chapter 11

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(Young Y/N POV)

Running very rapidly down the road, you come to a stopped highway patrol car. Y/N with your lamb, your standing in the car's headlights, you start wearily walking towards the sheriff, he tells you to get in the car, you get inside carefully with your lamb, the sheriff starts driving you back to the farm. The patrol car stops in the driveway near the barn, the dark figure of the rancher running towards you as he roughly take the lamb from your hands, you look at him stunned, and blank. You start walking towards the open barn doorway... The rancher is revealed, a shadowy figure pinning the lamb to the killing table. His knife hand sweeps up high, then holds... He turns towards you, his face breaking into the light, you look closer and see that it's the face of Dr. Lecter. He looks at you and smiles his terrible smile at you.

(Adult Y/N POV)

You gasp and sit upright in your bed, breathing heavily and shaking, trying to recover yourself. Your head snaps towards the sound of the front door to your apartment slam shut, you get out of bed only wearing a oversized t-shirt you slowly walk towards your bedroom door opening it and peeking your head out you couldn't figure out if someone was leaving or someone just came in and it was making your heart beat out of your chest, you make your way down the hall as quietly as you can, you can't hear anyone but you just wanna make sure, all the lights in your apartment are still off making it a whole lot more scary, you made your way to the kitchen and opened one of the drawers containing all your kitchen knifes, you grab the biggest one and continue searching around, you searched the living room, the bathroom, and the hallways but still couldn't find anything all the adrenaline in your system was starting to fade, you decided to check the locks and then make your way back to your bedroom.

Halfway down the hall the hair on your neck started to stand and you got goosebumps all over, you stopped walking unable to turn around to check if something or someone was there, you heard a creek in the floor board making you jump, adrenaline rushing back into you, you turn around fast and swing with the knife but you didn't connect with anything, something grabbed your arm stopping your swing, it was to dark to really tell who it was but it as definitely a person and they were really strong, you could see the shadow of there body Infront of you holding your hand high in the air and then the person started speaking "now, now little lamb. that's not a very polite greeting". You stood with a shocked face you knew exactly who it was now, It was Hannibal, he roughly guided your back against the wall keeping his hand around your arm and waist "drop it" he told you, and you did exactly as he said, he grabbed it from your hand gently placing it against your throat, it made you shiver feeling the cold metal against your skin "relax little lamb, I'm not gonna hurt you... That much" he said whispering the last part.

All the muscles in your body relaxed against him, he promised you would see him again you just didn't think it would be this soon or like this, you come to what was happening and your face relaxed but quickly turned into a smile "much better" Hannibal says, he removes the knife from your neck and slides it into the back pocket of his pants, both his hands trail down to your ass, he gives a smirk before lifting you up, you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, your not a big fan of being picked up just because of the thought you might be dropped but Hannibal's muscles don't even flinch, like you weigh as much as a grape, he presses you firmly against the wall placing his head between the crook of your neck licking and nibbling at your skin, you tilt your head to give him easier access, instead of nibbling more he bites down hard piercing your skin and causing you to bleed you shut your eyes tight at the pain and pleasure, Hannibal pulls away and licks up the blood, a soft moan escapes your lips "you taste so good Y/N" Hannibal says gripping your ass tighter, you can feel his cock get hard against your core.

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