Chapter 9

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(Y/N P.O.V.)

You close the refrigerator door, glancing around. A big reel-to-reel tape recorder has been set up on the breakfast counter, attached to Catherine's phone. Two new red phones are hooked up as well. You walk to the bathroom, sliding open the medicine cabinet's mirror, you look inside and poke around carefully amongst the lotion, you then head to where the attic is, the ceiling hatch bangs open sending dust clouds around you. You poke your head up and look around, you didn't see anything that peaked your interest so you closed the hatch and made your way to the bedroom. You pick up Catherine's jewelry box which was resting atop the bureau, you pick through the costume jewelry, you close the box your just about to turn around when a looming figure appears in the corner of your eye, you let out a soft cry then you see who it is, it's Senator Martin. "Who are you, please? I thought the police were done in here." Senator Martin says "I'm Y/N, Senator. FBI" you say "Y/N... Paul? would you come in here, please...?" Senator Martin says, angrily. Krendler comes in from the hallway and looks at you "miss Y/N, you may know the Deputy Attorney General, Mr. Krendler. Paul this is the trainee that Jack Crawford sent to Lecter... She lied to him, pretending to have my authority, and thus jeopardized this entire investigation. Now she has further gall to invade my daughter's privacy, again without permission. If her little games have killed my baby..." Senator Martin continues saying, she then turns and runs out of the room. Krendler closes the door behind her and points sternly at you "Your out of line, Y/N, and you're off this case. Back to Quantico" Krendler says to you "sir, Mr. Crawford instructed me..." you begin saying "your instructions are what I'm giving you now. Jack Crawford answers to the director, and the director answers to me. My god, Crawford's losing it...! He shouldn't even be on this, with his wife as sick as she is... How the hell did you get in here, anyway? he gave you... What some kind of special ID? Let's have it." Krendler says angrily, practically yelling "I need the ID to fly with my gun. The gun belongs to Quantico." You say stubbornly "Gun. Jesus. Turn the ID in as soon as you get back. The gun, too. Be on the next plane, Y/N, there's one in 90 minutes." Krendler orders you, your burning with rage as you head to the front door, you stop and turn around "Mr. Krendler... Dr. Lecter trusts me. Or at least, he used to. If I could just..." Krendler interrupts before you could finish "Lecter has already named Buffalo Bill." Krendler says, your surprised. Krendler takes a folded computer sheet from his pocket and shoves it at you, you take it and read. "He gave us a perfectly good description, and we're on it right now, so we won't be needing your little novelty act any longer... Or his, either. He's under close guard at the courthouse, pending prison transfer. The next plane, Officer." Krendler informs you 'I need to see him again' you think to yourself "Sir, doesn't this 'William Rubin' strike you as... I don't know... Vague?" You ask, Krendler moves in closer to you, pale with anger "Do you need a police escort, Y/N? or do you think you can find the airport yourself?" Krendler asks "Yes sir. I can find it myself." You say and walk out the door, heading for the airport.

You climb out of your rented car, slamming the door. You hold up a rolled-up pile of papers... Dr. Lecter's drawings, you start walking determinedly up the steps. A near by commotion makes you pause, you see Dr. Chilton in a sea of interviewers and mini-cameras, you carefully avoid his gaze and slip inside the building. You head to the front desk and sergeant Tate studies your ID. He looks up at you from the command desk "Are you with Krendler's people?" Sergeant Tate asks "I just left him" you answer "Access to Lecter is strictly limited. We've been getting death threats. Log in, and check your weapon." Sergeant Tate says, you glance around the lobby. After everything was clear you head to the elevator, a young patrolman follows, he seems excited "every cop in Tennessee wants a look at this guy. it true what they're sayin'... he's some kind of vampire" Sergeant Tate asks "I don't have name for what he is" You answer, as you get closer to seeing Hannibal your heart beat gets faster and you feel excitement, all you want is to see him again... feel his touch. the elevator stops and you walk to the front desk. "You know the rules, ma'am?" Pembry asks "yes, Officer Pembry. I've questioned him before." You answer, he waves you off but keep the drawings for now, you cross the big empty room, a massive temporary iron cage has been installed. Officer Boyle sits Infront, he rises and nods, leaving to give you some privacy. As you get closer to the cage you notice a cot and small table, both bolted to the floor, and a flimsy paper screen, hiding a toilet. Dr Lecter was sitting at the table, his back to you, studying the Buffalo Bill case file. He's wearing a all white outfit with only black numbers and letters on the t-shirt. A small cassette player is chained to the steel table.

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