thank you all

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NOTE: This book will be re-written at some point

thank you all so much for reading my first book, I hope you all enjoyed it. Now that it's finished I plan on going back through and fixing or adding stuff.

Update: book two has been started and the first couple chapters have been posted so feel free when your done with this book to check out "return of the cannibal" the second and final book😊.

thank you so much I know some chapters you had to wait a very long time for so I apologize for that and am grateful you still stuck around to read them. I also wanna let you know this is not the end of Hannibal and Y/N I have plans to write another book, based on the Hannibal book/movie that came after the silence of the lambs. I also am working on a book completely made from my ideas, it'll be a dark, stalker, mafia romance so hopefully you'll enjoy it. I don't know when I'm gonna start writing the next book, it'll probably be soon though.

Until then thank you guys, I appreciate all of you :)

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